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[Feature] Sending SMS using LTE
Hey this is awesome! Ive allways wondered if you could leverage the SMS component in mikrotik to get homeassistant to send and receive SMS messages. Could be useful for notifications and commands. Is this a feature your integration could provide easily? Cheers for all the hard work!
I dont know, can you give me more information about it from mikrotik side?
Thanks for replying. Mikrotik have details of the tool here. https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Tools/Sms Its also accessible in webfig. Not sure if this is helpful? I could give you remote access to hardware for testing if you think it would help. Cheers, Mike
I see, this is a command. Yes, remote access would be necessery to figure out API variables for it. But not sure how to do this, as sms are probably paid for you. My concern is that it may attempt to send paid sms even with incorrect variables. And since API variables are not documented, it may take quite few tries to figure out.
Also, we will need to wait intil my health improves before I take on anything that can take longer time.
Just linking dependency request #249
Awesome thanks, Im in no rush. When your ready I could setup a raspberry pi with homeassistant OS and connected mikrotik router with a prepaid SIM that you could access over zerotier or SSH. Ill use a SIM that has free messaging to a local network here in NZ. You can take a look at the LTE stuff also if you would like. All the best with your health! Take care of yourself!!
if you are worried about exposing api port, we can do it like that as well. but I would still need to expose ssh and HA web port in that case. but haos is not suitable for development, I would need just standard linux. can be linux vm, does not matter. pi with stock raspbian should do as well if there is no other option. pi is very slow, but doable as last resort option. also, I will need a way to know if sms was received and if text inside is correct. not sure how to arrange this one tho.
ps: do not post IP, access or phone numbers here. we will exchange those privately elsewhere.
Thanks Tomaae, Happy to expose the API port or what ever you need. Let me know what you need in a PM and ill get it done for you. Any time. Cheers. Mike
exposing api directly would makes things easier and faster for sure, as I could use my existing development envinroment.
we will need to figure out something about that sms target too.
also, could you test which access right are needed for sending sms, other then "read" and "api"? If additional rights are required, it could be "test" or possibly "policy". There is nothing about it in documentation, which is pretty normal with mikrotik, unfortunatly.
If this can be realized - it will be simply incredible! It's a brain explosion! This will be an incredible reduction in the cost of work associated with SMS and ussd and a reduction in the cost of equipment