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[ Feature ] Add "Invert view" button / Add a button for BlockBench camera controls
Add a "Invert view" button that inverts the camera controls to be more like BlockBench
Custom Player Models Up > Up Down > Down
BlockBench Up > Down Down > Up
I support this as well. In addition to BlockBench, Unity and Blender also use camera controls that are "inverted" compared to CPM so it'd be a really nice to be able to bring it in line with other industry standard applications.
Came here to request this too, It's driving me NUTS.
Any updates on this? It's super disorienting when your muscle memory and the actual inputs don't match. Even worse when you don't realize that the input didn't match until you lose all sense of 3D space.
+1 on this. Really disorienting.
Editor is basically unuseable to me until this is added. Blockbench & Blender invert Y by default so if I get used to this I'll have to invert everywhere else. Frankly this should be the default setting and not invering Y should be the option.