Anatolii Bazko
Anatolii Bazko
@sunix Make sense to me to handle this kind of error. Will try to provide a fix
It must completely removed from the dashboard since there is no anymore `chectl auth:login` command
I think it is possible to build and use a custom PostgreSQL image with a patch to ` /data/userdata/pg_hba.conf` and use in `spec.database.postgresImage` For keycoak it requires custom che-operator image...
@gattytto Would you like to contribute into Eclipse Che ?
@gattytto sure, you are welcome!
It is interesting to check logs from: - `che-server` - `che-operator` - `devworkspace-controller` - storage provisioner
@Divine1 Using `nodeSelector` must fix your issue. Could you check pls?
Maybe switching to `per-workspace` pvc strategy can help here: ``` kubectl patch checluster/eclipse-che --patch '{"spec": {"devEnvironments": {"storage": {"pvcStrategy": "per-workspace"}}}}' --type=merge -n eclipse-che ``` See the corresponding PR @AObuchow Could...
Which is devworkspace controller image used? `kubectl get deployment devworkspace-controller-manager -n devworkspace-controller -o="jsonpath={.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}"`
I see. That's a bit outdated. The latest version is `v0.15.3` It is supposed that the latest che-operator deploys the latest version of devworkspace operator. Could you simply restart che-operator...