sman copied to clipboard
Using sman with fzf
Hi there
Nice tool you have there, I really like it. :+1: I just wanted to add how I started to use sman togheter with fzf (
alias s=sman
function sman_show() {
sman ls | fzf --reverse --ansi --bind 'enter:execute(snippet=$(echo {} | awk '\''{print $1}'\'' ); echo $snippet ;sman run $snippet)+abort'
zle redisplay
zle -N sman_show
bindkey '^q' sman_show
this allows one to use the keyboard-shortcut (ctrl-q here) to do the following:
Maybe it is of help. I could make a pr for the readme, but the readme is something a bit more personal to the original author, which is why I assume if you would like to add it, you could phrase it in your own words.
Hi This is quite cool. Feel free to add new PR. I barely maintain this project anyway 😬