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What happened to vec3.unproject?
I noticed it was in earlier versions, but can't see it on master or dev branches. Was it removed intentionally?
For reference to anyone who stumbles on this later, here is how I've implemented it in my own library.
* Multiplies this Vector3 by the specified matrix,
* applying a W divide. This is useful for projection,
* e.g. unprojecting a 2D point into 3D space.
* @method prj
* @param {Matrix4} the 4x4 matrix to multiply with
* @return {Vector3} this object for chaining
vec3.project = function(mat) {
var x = this.x,
y = this.y,
z = this.z,
m = mat.val,
a00 = m[0], a01 = m[1], a02 = m[2], a03 = m[3],
a10 = m[4], a11 = m[5], a12 = m[6], a13 = m[7],
a20 = m[8], a21 = m[9], a22 = m[10], a23 = m[11],
a30 = m[12], a31 = m[13], a32 = m[14], a33 = m[15];
var l_w = 1 / (x * a03 + y * a13 + z * a23 + a33);
this.x = (x * a00 + y * a10 + z * a20 + a30) * l_w;
this.y = (x * a01 + y * a11 + z * a21 + a31) * l_w;
this.z = (x * a02 + y * a12 + z * a22 + a32) * l_w;
return this;
* Unproject this point from 2D space to 3D space.
* The point should have its x and y properties set to
* 2D screen space, and the z either at 0 (near plane)
* or 1 (far plane). The provided matrix is assumed to already
* be combined, i.e. projection * view * model.
* After this operation, this vector's (x, y, z) components will
* represent the unprojected 3D coordinate.
* @param {Vector4} viewport screen x, y, width and height in pixels
* @param {Matrix4} invProjectionView combined projection and view matrix
* @return {Vector3} this object, for chaining
vec3.unproject = function(viewport, invProjectionView) {
var viewX = viewport.x,
viewY = viewport.y,
viewWidth = viewport.z,
viewHeight = viewport.w;
var x = this.x,
y = this.y,
z = this.z;
x = x - viewX;
y = viewHeight - y - 1;
y = y - viewY;
this.x = (2 * x) / viewWidth - 1;
this.y = (2 * y) / viewHeight - 1;
this.z = 2 * z - 1;
return this.project(invProjectionView);
Also very curious about the rationale behind this - was there an API change?
Sorry to bump, but curious to know if this was out of scope, incompatible with the API, or would be accepted in a new patch?
Modified the method by @mattdesl to work with the latest version, sorry for ES syntax but you get the idea:
vec3.project = function (out, vector, projection) {
let x = vector[0]
let y = vector[1]
let z = vector[2]
let m = projection
let a00 = m[0]
let a01 = m[1]
let a02 = m[2]
let a03 = m[3]
let a10 = m[4]
let a11 = m[5]
let a12 = m[6]
let a13 = m[7]
let a20 = m[8]
let a21 = m[9]
let a22 = m[10]
let a23 = m[11]
let a30 = m[12]
let a31 = m[13]
let a32 = m[14]
let a33 = m[15]
let lw = 1 / (x * a03 + y * a13 + z * a23 + a33)
(x * a00 + y * a10 + z * a20 + a30) * lw,
(x * a01 + y * a11 + z * a21 + a31) * lw,
(x * a02 + y * a12 + z * a22 + a32) * lw
return out
I didn't need unproject but it can be updated similarly.
Bump, why was this removed?