ktistec copied to clipboard
In post reply, clicking on a back arrow in front of <- @username 'd scroll back to original post
Feature idea:
If there are a lot of replies to a post, there could be a back arrow in front of the @username that the reply is addressed to, clicking on which would take you to the very original post, essentially scrolling past all the other replies quickly.
The back arrow in front of the @ reply would be like a permanent link to the original post which a rely references.
@marek-lach thanks! this would be on ".../remote/objects/.../thread" pages?
@marek-lach thanks! this would be on ".../remote/objects/.../thread" pages?
Not... really sure, but I suppose it could be there? A basic mock-up could be something like:
where basically the <- in front of @ brings a person to the original This is a post post of the original poster, quickly :-)