IPC-Run copied to clipboard
Die inside coderef causes escape into the parent process.
Didn't see this reported yet, but if you die inside a coderef it escapes outside IPC::Run and starts running from where things were before the fork. You can see that the output gets duplicated weirdly in this example.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Run qw/harness/;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw/_exit/;
sub worker {
# TODO this could be done via IO::Async somehow now without IPC::Run I think. But it'll take an IO::Async something that supports the namespace stuff
my $in = '';
my $out = '';
my $origpid = $$;
my $h = harness sub {$|++; print "HI\n"; die "Dying inside coderef";}, '<', \$in, '>&', \$out;
my ($start_time, $end_time);
eval {
$start_time = time();
while($h->pumpable()) {
sleep(0.1); # yield some time
die "Timeout" if (time() - $start_time) > 12;
$end_time = time();
my $err = $@;
$h->kill_kill; # shouldn't be necessary but it's safe
eval {$h->finish();} if $err;
print STDERR Dumper({out => $out, pid => $$, opid => $origpid});
return $out;
Sounds like we're missing a fork capture somewhere.