IPC-Run copied to clipboard
Spurious warning '"unknown result, unknown PID" isn't numeric ..." has reappeared
I'm using IPC::Run::start and
$harness = IPC::Run::start(\@command_words, '<pipe', $stdin_handle, '>pipe', $stdout_handle, '2>pipe', $stderr_handle);
my $exit_code = $harness->result(0);
Although the program I'm running seems to work properly, I get warnings every time I run it:
Argument "unknown result, unknown PID" isn't numeric in right bitshift (>>) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/IPC/Run.pm line 3594.
I get the warning twice per run. This seems very similar to CPAN bug 5852 that was apparently resolved. In fact, lines 3619-3620 of Run.pm seem to handle an identical issue in the results
method. Perhaps a similar patch can be applied at line 3594 in the result
For completeness, I'm using Perl5 (revision 5 version 36 subversion 0) undef Fedora Linux 37. I recently upgraded from Fedora 36 to Fedora 37 and was not seeing these warnings under Fedora 36.
Perhaps a similar patch can be applied at line 3594 in the result method?
Agreed; probably like this:
diff --git a/lib/IPC/Run.pm b/lib/IPC/Run.pm
index 77863cb..7b7555e 100644
--- a/lib/IPC/Run.pm
+++ b/lib/IPC/Run.pm
@@ -3598,14 +3598,16 @@ sub result {
my IPC::Run $self = shift;
+ # we add 0 to stop warnings associated with "unknown result, unknown PID"
if (@_) {
my ($which) = @_;
- return $self->_child_result($which) >> 8;
+ return (0 + $self->_child_result($which)) >> 8;
else {
return undef unless @{ $self->{KIDS} };
for ( @{ $self->{KIDS} } ) {
- return $_->{RESULT} >> 8 if $_->{RESULT} >> 8;
+ my $candidate = (0 + $_->{RESULT}) >> 8;
+ return $candidate if $candidate;
Could you make a self-contained test case for the warning you were seeing? I'm not seeing it with this quick try:
use IPC::Run 'start';
use strict;
use warnings;
my $h = start
'<pipe', \*IN, # may also be a lexical filehandle e.g. \my $infh
'>pipe', \*OUT,
'2>pipe', \*ERR
or die "cat returned $?";
print IN "some input\n";
close IN;
print <OUT>, <ERR>;
finish $h;
my $x;
Unfortunately, I am now unable to reproduce the problem. I update my system once a week; maybe some other fix made the problem go away? Anyway, I'm closing this issue because I can't provide a test case that demonstrates the "bug".
I was able to reproduce it by ignoring SIGCHLD
use IPC::Run 'start';
use strict;
use warnings;
my $h = start
'<pipe', \*IN, # may also be a lexical filehandle e.g. \my $infh
'>pipe', \*OUT,
'2>pipe', \*ERR
or die "cat returned $?";
print IN "some input\n";
close IN;
print <OUT>, <ERR>;
finish $h;
The 0+$string
approach now gets a warning as well. Could fix it like this:
diff --git a/lib/IPC/Run.pm b/lib/IPC/Run.pm
index 77863cb..9103c5b 100644
--- a/lib/IPC/Run.pm
+++ b/lib/IPC/Run.pm
@@ -3594,18 +3594,25 @@ sub _child_result {
return $self->{KIDS}->[$which]->{RESULT};
+# stops warnings associated with "unknown result, unknown PID"
+sub _zero_if_non_numeric {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ return 0 + shift;
sub result {
my IPC::Run $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my ($which) = @_;
- return $self->_child_result($which) >> 8;
+ return _zero_if_non_numeric($self->_child_result($which)) >> 8;
else {
return undef unless @{ $self->{KIDS} };
for ( @{ $self->{KIDS} } ) {
- return $_->{RESULT} >> 8 if $_->{RESULT} >> 8;
+ my $candidate = _zero_if_non_numeric($_->{RESULT}) >> 8;
+ return $candidate if $candidate;
@@ -3625,8 +3632,7 @@ sub results {
my IPC::Run $self = shift;
- # we add 0 here to stop warnings associated with "unknown result, unknown PID"
- return map { ( 0 + $_->{RESULT} ) >> 8 } @{ $self->{KIDS} };
+ return map { _zero_if_non_numeric($_->{RESULT}) >> 8 } @{ $self->{KIDS} };
I checked my code and it was not setting SIGCHLD. But because the bug can be reproduced and a fix is available (thank you), I'm going to reopen the issue.