MPU6050_tockn copied to clipboard
Arduino library for easy communication with MPU6050
After the clock of the arduin PWM pin is set to 32KHZ, the Angle will jump greatly, and the accumulation will occur. Is it affected by setting the wave clock...
hello. I want to read multiple mpu6050 at the same time with TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer. How is this possible? (on Arduino DUE)
mpu6050.update(); if(millis() - timer > 100){ avg_acc = sqrt(pow(mpu6050.getAccX(),2) + pow(mpu6050.getAccY(),2) +pow(mpu6050.getAccZ(), 2)); // Serial.print("avacc"); Serial.println(avg_acc); timer = millis(); } This code gives me the acceleration magnitude, and it works...
hi, at first sorry for my bad English. I want to read MPU6050 and RTC at same time, i am using Wemos Lolin32. It work if separated, but MPU can't...
Hello, I encountered an issue while using the library you shared. After power-on initialization, reading the data immediately results in errors. I found that the data is unstable if read...