MPU6050_tockn copied to clipboard
There is a way to make it works in a ESP8266 Based Dev Board?
Hello, Look this: [esp8266-sensor-mpu6050]
This code may work.
Could you try it?
I have only ESP32.
#include <MPU6050_tockn.h>
#include <Wire.h>
MPU6050 mpu6050(Wire);
void setup() {
int SDA = 4; // you can choose SDA pin
int SCL = 14; // you can choose SCL pin
Wire.begin(SDA, SCL);
void loop() {
Serial.print("angleX : ");
Serial.print("\tangleY : ");
Serial.print("\tangleZ : ");
Thanks @rtek1000, the link you shared to me was too usefull to understand how the MPU6050 works. And @tockn, I'm going to test it and latter give you a feedback.
The sensor is very simple, just need to read the datasheet and the other document about the registers map.
These documents are complements, frankly I think they should be just one, as are the datasheet of the pic of the microchip.
@tockn unfortunately the code doesn't work on NodeMCU dev board V1.0. It Show values like there is no an I2C device connected.
My ESP32 works perfectly this code.
Could you check your wiring? (Especially SCL and SDA)
/*This code actually works but prints the incrementing the gyroangle values, and goes on incrementing by 0.1 /sec or so
using esp8266 esp 01 module and mpu6050 gy521
please help*/
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <MPU6050_tockn.h> #include <Wire.h>
MPU6050 mpu6050(Wire);
const char* ssid = "TP-LINK_ED27"; const char* password = "19137216";
// Create an instance of the server // specify the port to listen on as an argument WiFiServer server(80);
void setup() { delay(1000); Wire.begin(0,2); Serial.begin(115200); delay(1000);
// Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid);
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected");
// Start the server server.begin(); Serial.println("Server started");
// Print the IP address Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
mpu6050.begin(); delay(1000); mpu6050.calcGyroOffsets(true);
delay(1000); }
void loop() { // Check if a client has connected
WiFiClient client = server.available(); if (!client) { Serial.print("Client not connect"); delay(1000);
// Wait until the client sends some data Serial.println("new client"); while (!client.available()) { delay(1); }
mpu6050.update(); client.print(mpu6050.getGyroAngleX()); client.print(","); client.print(mpu6050.getGyroAngleY()); client.print(","); client.println(mpu6050.getGyroAngleZ()); delay(100);
Serial.println("Client disonnected");
// The client will actually be disconnected // when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed }
Had the same issue. Fixed it by lowering the samples from 3000 to 200. In calcGyroOffsets() in MPU6050_tockn.cpp, you can limit the sampling. The ESP8266 currently has some issues with high value for loops. Hope it helps.
can u show me which one need to be lowering the sample from 3000 to 200??
void MPU6050::calcGyroOffsets(bool console){ float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; int16_t rx, ry, rz;
delay(1000); if(console){ Serial.println(); Serial.println("========================================"); Serial.println("calculate gyro offsets"); Serial.print("DO NOT MOVE A MPU6050"); } for(int i = 0; i < 3000; i++){ if(console && i % 1000 == 0){ Serial.print("."); } wire->beginTransmission(MPU6050_ADDR); wire->write(0x3B); wire->endTransmission(false); wire->requestFrom((int)MPU6050_ADDR, 14, (int)true);
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rx = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
ry = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rz = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
x += ((float)rx) / 65.5;
y += ((float)ry) / 65.5;
z += ((float)rz) / 65.5;
gyroXoffset = x / 3000;
gyroYoffset = y / 3000;
gyroZoffset = z / 3000;
Serial.print("X : ");Serial.println(gyroXoffset);
Serial.print("Y : ");Serial.println(gyroYoffset);
Serial.print("Z : ");Serial.println(gyroZoffset);
Serial.println("Program will start after 3 seconds");
use this :
`#include "MPU6050_tockn.h" #include "Arduino.h"
MPU6050::MPU6050(TwoWire &w){ wire = &w; accCoef = 0.02f; gyroCoef = 0.98f; }
MPU6050::MPU6050(TwoWire &w, float aC, float gC){ wire = &w; accCoef = aC; gyroCoef = gC; }
void MPU6050::begin(){ writeMPU6050(MPU6050_SMPLRT_DIV, 0x00); writeMPU6050(MPU6050_CONFIG, 0x00); writeMPU6050(MPU6050_GYRO_CONFIG, 0x08); writeMPU6050(MPU6050_ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00); writeMPU6050(MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01); this->update(); angleGyroX = 0; angleGyroY = 0; angleX = this->getAccAngleX(); angleY = this->getAccAngleY(); preInterval = millis(); }
void MPU6050::writeMPU6050(byte reg, byte data){ wire->beginTransmission(MPU6050_ADDR); wire->write(reg); wire->write(data); wire->endTransmission(); }
byte MPU6050::readMPU6050(byte reg) { wire->beginTransmission(MPU6050_ADDR); wire->write(reg); wire->endTransmission(true); wire->requestFrom((uint8_t)MPU6050_ADDR, (size_t)2/length/); byte data = wire->read(); wire->read(); return data; }
void MPU6050::setGyroOffsets(float x, float y, float z){ gyroXoffset = x; gyroYoffset = y; gyroZoffset = z; }
void MPU6050::calcGyroOffsets(bool console){ float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; int16_t rx, ry, rz;
delay(1000); /if(console){ Serial.println(); Serial.println("========================================"); Serial.println("calculate gyro offsets"); Serial.print("DO NOT MOVE A MPU6050"); }/ for(int i = 0; i < 1200; i++){ if(console && i % 1000 == 0){ Serial.print("."); } wire->beginTransmission(MPU6050_ADDR); wire->write(0x3B); wire->endTransmission(false); wire->requestFrom((int)MPU6050_ADDR, 14, (int)true);
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rx = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
ry = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rz = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
x += ((float)rx) / 65.5;
y += ((float)ry) / 65.5;
z += ((float)rz) / 65.5;
gyroXoffset = x / 1200;
gyroYoffset = y / 1200;
gyroZoffset = z / 1200;
Serial.print("X : ");Serial.println(gyroXoffset);
Serial.print("Y : ");Serial.println(gyroYoffset);
Serial.print("Z : ");Serial.println(gyroZoffset);
Serial.println("Program will start after 3 seconds");
void MPU6050::update(){ wire->beginTransmission(MPU6050_ADDR); wire->write(0x3B); wire->endTransmission(false); wire->requestFrom((int)MPU6050_ADDR, 14, (int)true);
rawAccX = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawAccY = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawAccZ = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawTemp = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawGyroX = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawGyroY = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
rawGyroZ = wire->read() << 8 | wire->read();
temp = (rawTemp + 12412.0) / 340.0;
accX = ((float)rawAccX) / 16384.0;
accY = ((float)rawAccY) / 16384.0;
accZ = ((float)rawAccZ) / 16384.0;
angleAccX = atan2(accY, accZ + abs(accX)) * 360 / 2.0 / PI;
angleAccY = atan2(accX, accZ + abs(accY)) * 360 / -2.0 / PI;
gyroX = ((float)rawGyroX) / 65.5;
gyroY = ((float)rawGyroY) / 65.5;
gyroZ = ((float)rawGyroZ) / 65.5;
gyroX -= gyroXoffset;
gyroY -= gyroYoffset;
gyroZ -= gyroZoffset;
interval = (millis() - preInterval) * 0.001;
angleGyroX += gyroX * interval;
angleGyroY += gyroY * interval;
angleGyroZ += gyroZ * interval;
angleX = (gyroCoef * (angleX + gyroX * interval)) + (accCoef * angleAccX);
angleY = (gyroCoef * (angleY + gyroY * interval)) + (accCoef * angleAccY);
angleZ = angleGyroZ;
preInterval = millis();
Hopefully it works for you