目前代码每次新建 UDPConn 就是为了换一个本地端口,来保证 src/dst 都发生变化以绕过 QoS。。
Isn't mipsel just an alias of mipsle? We already have builds for it.
1.3.2 添加了 mipsle-sf
ACK rate of 34% means that for every 10 packets only 3-4 packets can get through. I'm surprised that QUIC can work at all. You sure you are not setting...
There is really no scientific reason why we set the `minAckRate` to 0.8. It's just a "safety measure" to prevent the send rate from drifting too far away from what...
> 经过查询服务器的连接监听端口,此端口没有产生监听 怎么查询监听端口的
建议按这个排查 注意 Hysteria 监听的是 UDP 端口, 不是 TCP。注意 Hysteria 监听的是 UDP 端口, 不是 TCP。注意 Hysteria 监听的是 UDP 端口, 不是 TCP。
Not currently supported, and I don't think it's even possible for the real GFW anymore. With HTTPS as the default and mandatory you can no longer transparently hijack a connection.
不是很理解 "无法完全伪装地址" 是什么意思。每条连接双方的地址是确定的,不存在 “我用一个地址,但又不完全用” 的说法。建议你先研究下你的连接是不是走了代理,走了正确的代理,以及这个提示是否只和 IP 有关
Unfortunately the current code doesn't have a way for QUIC to signal the port-hopping mechanism to switch to another port. Definitely a good suggestion but could require significant changes to...