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Pure local deploy of www.draw.io, disable all features that require external internet connections.


Pure local deploy of draw.io, disable all features that require external internet connections.

Demo: https://test2go.github.io/drawio-local/


  • [x] Disable all online storages, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox etc.
  • [x] Disable logo click to draw io official website.
  • [x] Disable "Download Desktop" notification.
  • [ ] Disable sharing links and export links via draw.io.


Why this project

You may want to deploy draw.io in your company without any external features and connections, just download the repo then host it to nginx as a static website.

You may use python simple server to preview it:

cd drawio-local
python3 -m http.server 8000

To avoid unexpected errors or problems, please serve the folder as web root:

  • http://draw.example.com:8000/ (Recommended)
  • http://www.example.com:8080/draw (Not Recommended)

Deploy with docker

A docker image already has been built for this repo.

# local-port:docker-port, update it on your need
docker run --name="drawio-local" --restart=always -p 5000:5000  tobyqin/drawio-local

If you want to build such image base on other image, checkout the Dockerfile.

How does it work

You can build a local draw io by yourself, steps are like this:

  1. Download latest version of drawio
  2. Just keep the src/main/webapp folder
  3. Modify PreConfig with supported parameters.
  4. To total disable external connections, please set offline='1' and local='1'

However, when set offline='1' will disable template feature, while enable it will show "Download Desktop" notification. So I modified js/app.min.js change the behavior, check my commit history to learn the some other hacks.

Supported Browsers

diagrams.net supports IE 11, Chrome 32+, Firefox 38+, Safari 9.1.x, 10.1.x and 11.0.x, Opera 20+, Native Android browser 5.1.x+, the default browser in the current and previous major iOS versions (e.g. 11.2.x and 10.3.x) and Edge 23+.


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