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[FR] new reset level: cookies
It's disappointing that "Reset" doesn't reset cookies. Could you please make a checkbox for that? Thanks!
Reset could also have an option to clear the complete cache for that webapp?
You can delete, then re-add the WebApp
Well, only clearing the cache is different from clearing the cookies. I recently had two times the issue, that things only worked, when I cleared the complete cache of the WebApps app (using system settings). So doing that more easily (on a per Webapp level) might be nicer.
I agree with this request, additionally I think an option to clear cookies on close would be nice.
This would be utterly helpful. My current workaround is just to enter "/data/data/com.tobykurien.webapps\databases\webapps4.db", table "webapps", column "cookies", and replace it with empty string. Not so easily because I had to move the database folder out of system before I could save, and then move back to its original location. This is feasible only as a root user.
Further more, it would be helpful to have a global unblocked domain management menu. In the same database, there is a table named "domain_names" which contains all unblocked domain linked to "webbappId".
Additionally, because not everything is sandboxed, some data gets carried over between same domains. Deleting "/data/com.tobykurien.webapps/app_webview" solves all but cookies problem, you cannot clear all cookies through that way. But in my case, deleting "/data/com.tobykurien.webapps/app_webview/Local Storage" is enough.
If the cookie is stored separately in databases unlike the "app_webview" directory mess, why the heck isn't a clear cookies a thing? Please don't suggest senseless workaround such as deleting the webapp because then we would have to unblock domains again, or login again (in the case of removing browsing data instead of cookies).
If this app is a privacy oriented, one would expect trivial functions such as clearing cookies or browsing data of a specific/all webapps would present. And better, an incognito mode webapp.