pdv copied to clipboard
Can't get it to work
Sorry for the nondescript issue title. Big fan of version 1 of your utility, and now I would love to try v2.
I'm using Vundle, and to install this I used the following two lines:
Bundle 'tobyS/vmustache'
Bundle 'tobyS/pdv'
Installed it with BundleInstall
Since I would like to retain the old behavior, I used the following in my .vimrc:
let g:pdv_template_dir = $HOME ."/.vim/bundle/pdv/templates_snip"
nnoremap <buffer> <C-p> :call pdv#DocumentCurrentLine()<CR>
After doing all this though, whenever I hit CTRL-p
, vim just moves the cursor up one line. Any idea how I could start debugging this?
The very same here too ....... do you have Ctrl-P installed?
Remove the <buffer>
part. This is only for when you put it in ftplugins/php.vim.
It should probably need a change in the readme.
I did several attempt to get it working but with no luck. Documentation is very poor and stackoverflow suggested configuration of outdated version. I would like to have simple and clear steps how to install it.
" PDV - PHP Documentor for VIM - 2
Plugin 'tobyS/pdv'
" Required for PHP Documentator:
Plugin 'tobyS/vmustache'
" UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution.
"Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'
"Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'
:so %
Add to .vimrc:
let g:pdv_template_dir = $HOME ."/.vim/bundle/pdv/templates"
nnoremap <buffer> <C-p> :call pdv#DocumentCurrentLine()<CR>
- Set cursor to function name.
- Press Ctrl+p This configuration works for me after hours of attempts.
Sorry for the nondescript issue title. Big fan of version 1 of your utility, and now I would love to try v2.
I'm using Vundle, and to install this I used the following two lines:
Bundle 'tobyS/vmustache' Bundle 'tobyS/pdv'
Installed it with
.Since I would like to retain the old behavior, I used the following in my .vimrc:
let g:pdv_template_dir = $HOME ."/.vim/bundle/pdv/templates_snip" nnoremap <buffer> <C-p> :call pdv#DocumentCurrentLine()<CR>
After doing all this though, whenever I hit
, vim just moves the cursor up one line. Any idea how I could start debugging this?
I'm not sure but I belive you need this (without "_snip"):
let g:pdv_template_dir = $HOME ."/.vim/bundle/pdv/templates"
because you didn't install snippets plugin.