confirmed, but this one difficult to fix, need to know proper flags and the place where both pets checks target
these patches isn't fix a whole problem, only few cases...
it's really should be 1.5 seconds? i heard about 3 seconds (and it already in DB) and just didn't touched this value. You also need a core part to make...
seems about cooldown it's really true ``` With 4 Charges this gives you ~6 seconds of 20% reduced damage intake ``` 6 / 4 = 1.5 but i'm unsure, maybe...
where the dump?
did you tried to post same at TrinityCore issue tracker? I'm not an expert in crash fixing
sure it will cause a memory leak... Better to check it just for GetMap - then this memory leak will be not so big... I think better to contain map\*...
Did you tried to compile with ``` -DWITH_COREDEBUG=1 ``` ?
i know about this bug, still can't find any solution... Stealth shouldn't prevent spells to hit you, only Vanish should give you some kind of immune for spells for few...
vanish already working fine at clean core, i don't know what your patch fixes...