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[Mage] Deep Freeze
1.Take a mage lvl 80 with Deep Freeze talent. 2.Get a target which is immune to stun effects. 3.Hit that target with Deep Freeze. 4.Bug - immune to damage, maybe it is caused to spell immunity mask
this spell doesn't has "damage" effect, there should be aura at player (think it should be applied from 'playercreateinfo_spell') that will proc "damage" spell at immune. But for unknown reason proc from "immune" doesn't works at trinity, i've already tried to implement this...
proc spell 71761 (this one should have every mage) 71757 causes damage (triggered from 71761)
Может тебе поможет это?
пфф... ну и напихал он там всего в патч :) Судя по комментам автора - у него работает. В общем неплохо бы проверить, но у меня и другие дела есть
maybe you could gather some info from