vue-laravel-spa copied to clipboard
A simple and clean starter-kit to start a new SPA project. Its like Jetstream without Inertia but with Vue-Router and Pinia as store.
Laravel Fortify Vue SPA
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify. Its like the little sister of Jetstream, but as SPA. This boilerplate uses the following tools:
The following Sanctum and Fortify features are implemented in this Vue SPA:
- ✅ Login
- ✅ Passwort Reset
- ✅ Registration
- ✅ Profile Management
- ✅ Password Confirmation
- ✅ Two Factor Authentication with Confirmation
- ✅ E-Mail Verification
Missing something? Feel free to tell me what would be a nice addition to this boilerplate.
- 🔘 Darkmode
- 🔘 Better error handling on UI
- 🔘 Password confirmation fixes
- 🔘 Example page with form and api controller
- 🔘 PWA
- 🔘 More Tests
Getting started
Take this steps:
- git clone
- run
composer install
- run
- copy .env.example to .env
- modify .env file
- migrate database
php artisan migrate
Make sure to set those two variables to your current domain or localhost:
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A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words.
PHPunit is ready setup to test the API side of this boilerplate. Tested are all Sanctum and Fortify features cause there are heavily based on there original tests. Thats a good starting point to add tests for your next project. To run the tests you can call phpunit like this:
php artisan test
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The Vue framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
This repository is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.