Tobi Reif
Tobi Reif
Thanks for your reply, but repeating the selector is cleaner for me than using eval. > As for the redundant , I'm not sure what you're talking about. Please see...
> Consider this example, different queries, but produce similar 'redundant' styles: But I didn't write redundant styles. I wrote it once: ``` @element #portfolio > .fullWidth { #portfolio > .fullWidth...
I sure would like to use :self, but then unfortunately the specificity gets reduced and I can't override the pure-CSS default padding anymore. I need the pure-CSS defaults because otherwise...
I used some of your earlier advice, the current state is at . Thanks!
Regarding using element queries as part of js-in-css: I'm not fundamentally against using JS for styling stuff, in some cases it's the best option. But eg for element queries I...
Thanks for your reply. Is there anything that can be done in the source of the P2 JS lib to reduce CPU usage? > stacking and many contacts is bound...
Perhaps P2 could offer this as option?
I hope SIMD will be implemented soon. MDN -> "Browser compatibility" lists just FF Nightly, and doesn't list it at all. It is listed at , but...
Thanks Tom! That's a great option for now. Also, perhaps it's something to consider to add this to the CSS API (so that EQCSS users can get unitless values without...
> I'm not sure what you mean when you say: >> add this to the CSS API (so that EQCSS users can get unitless values without having to use eval/JS)...