Tobias Hagemann

Results 196 comments of Tobias Hagemann

That would be great! I've opened an issue at CocoaPods: Maybe there is some magic. :D If not, you just gave me another idea, which I like most now:...

Unfortunately not, I'm still waiting for feedback from CocoaPods. If you want to use IBDesignable with THLabel, you can use the `ibdesignable` branch as mentioned [here](

Just use the `master` branch and you should be good to go. I must admit, I haven't tested THLabel on iOS versions lower than 7 for a while now (and...

I don't think that you can "just use" `THLabel` as the `titleLabel` of a `UIButton` because it is a read-only property. You could try to add a `THLabel` as a...

Hey there! Sorry for the late response. 😅 Pretty cool! I've created a `swift` branch. You're welcome to create a pull request. 👍 Thank you for your contribution!

I think this would be possible by adding the folder url to the query's searchScope. Not replacing `NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope`, but adding the folder url additionally to it! But I'm not sure...

Hmmm... scratch that! Using `NSFileManager`'s `contentsOfDirectoryAtURL` method should be sufficient. :D It's just too weird using `NSMetadataQuery`.

Just wanted to mention that I'm unable to reproduce this. I also can't explain why "lock and quit" should make any difference in this scenario. Sounds more like a coincidence...

I just wanted to mention that I was able to observe this behavior after my Mac crashed after a power outage. 😅 I believe this is quite important to reproduce...

Ah, very nice, there is already a PR #282 by @taavi224 for this. To be honest, there are already multiple PRs that would just need a merge so that this...