pyrsistent copied to clipboard
Expected type arguments for generic class "PRecord" (pylance/pyright)
When trying the example with pylance/pyright in vscode, I get an "PylancereportMissingTypeArgument" type hint error:
class ARecord(PRecord):
x = field()
PRecord is flagged with 'Expected type arguments for generic class "PRecord"'. Is this fixable somehow?
Getting this from mypy in strict mode.
error: Missing type parameters for generic type "PRecord" [type-arg]
Example record
from pyrsistent import PRecord, field
class PointPR(PRecord):
latitude = field(type=float)
longitude = field(type=float)
Thanks for reporting this. I'll have to take a deeper look at this as I haven't been to involved in the work around typing. I don't know what's wrong off the top of my head.