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3D feature detection with min_distance fails if dz is not provided
If dz is not given, filter_min_distance
tries to find the vertical coordinate from the dataframe but as this occurs before coordinate interpolate it fails, causing an error.
Easiest solution is to move this after coordinate interpolation I think
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[22], line 1
----> 1 features_w = tobac.feature_detection_multithreshold(
2 w_iris, **parameters_features
3 )
File ~/python/tobac/tobac/utils/, in xarray_to_iris.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
165 output = xarray.DataArray.from_iris(output)
167 else:
--> 168 output = func(*args, **kwargs)
169 # print(output)
170 return output
File ~/python/tobac/tobac/, in feature_detection_multithreshold(field_in, dxy, threshold, min_num, target, position_threshold, sigma_threshold, n_erosion_threshold, n_min_threshold, min_distance, feature_number_start, PBC_flag, vertical_coord, vertical_axis, detect_subset, wavelength_filtering, dz, strict_thresholding, statistic)
1372 # Loop over DataFrame to remove features that are closer than distance_min to each
1373 # other:
1374 if min_distance > 0:
-> 1375 features_thresholds = filter_min_distance(
1376 features_thresholds,
1377 dxy=dxy,
1378 dz=dz,
1379 min_distance=min_distance,
1380 z_coordinate_name=vertical_coord,
1381 target=target,
1382 PBC_flag=PBC_flag,
1383 min_h1=0,
1384 max_h1=hdim1_max,
1385 min_h2=0,
1386 max_h2=hdim2_max,
1387 )
1388 list_features_timesteps.append(features_thresholds)
1390 logging.debug(
1391 "Finished feature detection for " + time_i.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
1392 )
File ~/python/tobac/tobac/, in filter_min_distance(features, dxy, dz, min_distance, x_coordinate_name, y_coordinate_name, z_coordinate_name, target, PBC_flag, min_h1, max_h1, min_h2, max_h2)
1489 is_3D = "vdim" in features
1491 if is_3D and dz is None:
-> 1492 z_coordinate_name = internal_utils.find_dataframe_vertical_coord(
1493 features, z_coordinate_name
1494 )
1496 # Check if both dxy and their coordinate names are specified.
1497 # If they are, warn that we will use dxy.
1498 if dxy is not None and (
1499 x_coordinate_name in features and y_coordinate_name in features
1500 ):
File ~/python/tobac/tobac/utils/internal/, in find_dataframe_vertical_coord(variable_dataframe, vertical_coord)
185 return vertical_coord
186 else:
--> 187 raise ValueError("Please specify vertical coordinate")
ValueError: Please specify vertical coordinate
- [x] Have you searched the issue tracker for the same problem?
- [x] Have you checked if you're using the latest version? If not, which version are you using?
- [x] Have you mentioned the steps to reproduce the issue?
- [x] Have you, if applicable, included error messages?