If someone writes up the room/community name for all joke names of enemies, I will put in a setting to replace their scans to read their name. This actual has...
Right now the # of artifacts placed is always the # of artifacts required to beat the game. Randomprime now supports these two number to diverge via `requiredArtifactCount`. For example,...
Yet another thing that is Retro's fault but my responsibility. There might be other models that do this.
## Randovania - [x] Blast Shields cannot be on HoTE door (statue gets blocked) - [x] ~~Randovania is trying to place blast shields/door colors on frigate non-doors and subchamber docks,...
When elevators aren't shuffled, the end of frigate always goes to landing site. Logically, this should be the same as starting in landing site (granted the correct starting items to...
Currently, Echoes only has preset configuration GUI for changing how key hints are presented. There should be additional GUI options to control how the random hints behave. At minimum, there...
Prime only has an optional guaranteed hint for Phazon suit. To bring it more in line with Echoes, hints of varying usefulness should be randomly spread throughout the world somewhat...
Edit the FRME to make space for it
Revert this change like how we do all other non-NTSC changes
The QoL Game Breaking patch improved his consistency, but he is still a booger about it on rare occasions. I'm thinking about just deleting the wall if the player steps...