either icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
either copied to clipboard

Elm Either


A generic structure for a type with two possibilities: a Left a or a Right b.

An Either is right-biased, so most operations will be applied to the Right\—although many operations are provided for Left as well.

This is similar to Result_ type in core_, but is more generic. If you’re looking for a data type to do error handling, you should use Result instead.

.. |Result| replace:: Result .. _Result: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/Result .. |core| replace:: core .. _core: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest

Project & Community Notes

This project is regrettably available on GitHub_. The Elm community has tied itself to the closed-source, Microsoft-owned code forge of GitHub for package registry and identity. This does not protect the privacy or freedom of its community members.

.. _GitHub: https://github.com/toastal/either


This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0_) - LICENSE.txt file in this project for details.

.. _Apache-2.0: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


If you want to make a small contribution to th maintenance of this & other projects.

Crowdfunding • Liberapay: @toastal <https://liberapay.com/toastal>_

Cryptocurrency • Bitcoin: 39nLVxrXPnD772dEqWFwfZZbfTv5BvV89y_ (BTC verified on Keybase <https://keybase.io/toastal/sigchain#690220ca450a3e73ff800c3e059de111d9c1cd2fcdaf3d17578ad312093fff2c0f>) • Zcash: t1a9pD1D2SDTTd7dbc15KnKsyYXtGcjHuZZ (ZEC verified on Keybase <https://keybase.io/toastal/sigchain#65c0114a3c8ffb46e39e4d8b5ee0c06c9eb97a02c4f6c42a2b157ca83b8c47c70f>_)

.. _39nLVxrXPnD772dEqWFwfZZbfTv5BvV89y: bitcoin://39nLVxrXPnD772dEqWFwfZZbfTv5BvV89y?message=Funding%20toastal%E2%80%99s%20nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal%20development .. _t1a9pD1D2SDTTd7dbc15KnKsyYXtGcjHuZZ: zcash://t1a9pD1D2SDTTd7dbc15KnKsyYXtGcjHuZZ?message=Funding%20toastal%E2%80%99s%20nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal%20development