
Results 123 comments of toastal

Eh, probably covered by #2651 I used the wrong search query. Though I would prefer *full*, not lightweight, keyboard management.

+1 ... literally tried to do the same things as all ya'll with fonts and the compilation said it was no bueno.

There's a discussion happening here:

Will the lockfile need a lot of updating?

alternatively, this can be used without a flake file as ```nix { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; easy-purescript-nix = { url = "github:justinwoo/easy-purescript-nix"; flake = false; }; }; outputs...

I think this merge request is worth looking at again. Flakes are no longer behind an experimental flag in unstable and in future versions of Nix.

I opened a [PR]( to this branch moving `package.json`'s `main` to `"src/index.js"`. This allowed me to use this fork via `git+https`, and by using this `zephyr` option, it cut the...

Usually `zephyr`'s output goes to `dce-output`. I'm not sure if about your last comment either though.

I did run across a big issue with this recently though: you can only have one entry point. Zephyr allows you can pass in multiple files to make sure you...

Does `purs-tidy` count as being built from source using `spago2nix`? Because of the bundling, it seems the slowest to me. It's released to NPM as well. The other NPM packages...