spam-bot-3000 copied to clipboard
Social media research and promotion, semi-autonomous CLI bot
A python command-line (CLI) bot for automating research and promotion on popular social media platforms (reddit, twitter, facebook, [TODO: instagram]). With a single command, scrape social media sites using custom queries and/or promote to all relevant results.
Please use with discretion: i.e. choose your input arguments wisely, otherwise your bot could find itself, along with any associated accounts, banned from platforms very quickly. The bot has some built in anti-spam filter avoidance features to help you remain undetected; however, no amount of avoidance can hide blatantly abusive use of this tool.
- reddit
- scrape subreddit(s) for lists of keyword, dump results in local file (red_scrape_dump.txt)
- separate keyword lists for AND, OR, NOT search operations (red_subkey_pairs.json)
- search new, hot, or rising categories
- reply to posts in red_scrape_dump.txt with random promotion from red_promos.txt
- ignore posts by marking them in dump file with "-" prefix
- praw.errors.HTTPException handling
- write all activity to log (log.txt)
- scrape subreddit(s) for lists of keyword, dump results in local file (red_scrape_dump.txt)
- twitter
- maintain separate jobs for different promotion projects
- update user status
- unfollow users who don't reciprocate your follow
- scan twitter for list of custom queries, dump results in local file (twit_scrape_dump.txt)
- scan continuously or in overwatch mode
- optional bypassing of proprietary twitter APIs and their inherent limitations
- promotion abilities
- tweepy api
- follow original posters
- favorite relevant tweets
- direct message relevant tweets
- reply to relevant tweets with random promotional tweet from file (twit_promos.txt)
- Selenium GUI browser
- favorite, follow, reply to scraped results while bypassing API limits
- ignore tweets by marking them in dump file with "-" prefix
- tweepy api
- script for new keyword, hashtag research by gleening scraped results
- script for filtering out irrelevant keywords, hashtags, screen names
- script for automating scraping, filtering, and spamming only most relevant results
- relatively graceful exception handling
- write all activity to log (log.txt)
- facebook
- zero reliance on proprietary facebook APIs and their inherent limitations
- Selenium GUI browser agent
- scrape public and private user profiles for keywords using AND, OR, NOT operators
- note: access to private data requires login to authorized account with associated access
- scrape public and private group feeds for keywords using AND, OR, NOT operators
- install dependencies you probably don't have already, errors will show up if you're missing any others
- install pip3
sudo apt install python3-pip
- install dependencies
pip3 install --user tweepy bs4 praw selenium
- install pip3
reddit initial setup
- update 'praw.ini' with your reddit app credentials
- replace example promotions (red_promos.txt) with your own
- replace example subreddits and keywords (red_subkey_pairs.json) with your own
- you'll have to follow the existing json format
: all keywords in this list must be present for positive matching result -
: at least one keyword in this list must be present for positive match -
: none of these keywords can be present in a positive match - any of the three lists may be omitted by leaving it empty - e.g.
"keywords_not": []
user_agent=fakebot 0.1
{"sub_key_pairs": [
"subreddits": "androidapps",
"keywords_and": ["list", "?"],
"keywords_or": ["todo", "app", "android"],
"keywords_not": ["playlist", "listen"]
reddit usage
usage: reddit [-h] [-s N] [-n | -H | -r] [-p]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s N, --scrape N scrape subreddits in subreddits.txt for keywords in red_keywords.txt; N = number of posts to scrape
-n, --new scrape new posts
-H, --hot scrape hot posts
-r, --rising scrape rising posts
-p, --promote promote to posts in red_scrape_dump.txt not marked with a "-" prefix
twitter initial setup
- create new directory to store new job data in (e.g. studfinder_example/)
- create new 'credentials.txt' file in job directory to store your twitter app's credentials
- create new 'twit_promos.txt' in job directory to store your job's promotions to spam
- individual tweets on seperate lines
- each line must by <= 140 characters long
- create new 'twit_queries.txt' in job directory to store your job's queries to scrape twitter for
- individual queries on seperate lines
- guide to constructing twitter queries
- create new 'twit_scrape_dump.txt' file to store your job's returned scrape results
twitter usage
usage: twitter [-h] [-j JOB_DIR] [-t] [-u UNF] [-s] [-c] [-e] [-b]
[-f] [-p] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JOB_DIR, --job JOB_DIR
choose job to run by specifying job's relative directory
-t, --tweet-status update status with random promo from twit_promos.txt
-u UNF, --unfollow UNF
unfollow users who aren't following you back, UNF=number to unfollow
-s, --scrape scrape for tweets matching queries in twit_queries.txt
-c, --continuous scape continuously - suppress prompt to continue after 50 results per query
-e, --english return only tweets written in English
spam -> browser:
-b, --browser favorite, follow, reply to all scraped results and
thwart api limits by mimicking human in browser!
spam -> tweepy api:
-f, --follow follow original tweeters in twit_scrape_dump.txt
-p, --promote favorite tweets and reply to tweeters in twit_scrape_dump.txt with random promo from twit_promos.txt
-d, --direct-message direct message tweeters in twit_scrape_dump.txt with random promo from twit_promos.txt
twitter example workflows
- continuous mode
scrape and promote to all tweets matching queries
- overwatch mode
scrape first - manually edit twit_scrape_dump.txt
- add '-' to beginning of line to ignore
- leave line unaltered to promote to
then promote to remaining tweets in twit_scrape_dump.txt
- gleen common keywords, hashtags, screen names from scrape dumps
bash gleen_keywords_from_twit_scrape.bash
- input file: twit_scrape_dump.txt
- output file: gleened_keywords.txt
- results ordered by most occurrences first
- filter out keywords/hashtags from scrape dump
- manually edit gleened_keywords.txt by removing all relevent results
- keywords input file: gleened_keywords.txt
- input file: twit_scrape_dump.txt
- output file: twit_scrp_dmp_filtd.txt
- browser mode
thwart api limits by promoting to scraped results directly in firefox browser- add username and password to lines 5 and 6 of credentials.txt respectively
- automatic scrape, filter, spam
- automatically scrape twitter for queries, filter out results to ignore, and spam remaining results
- specify job
-j studfinder_example/
specify which job directory to execute
Note: if you don't want to maintain individual jobs in separate directories, you may create single credentials, queries, promos, and scrape dump files in main working directory.
facebook initial setup
- create new client folder in 'facebook/clients/YOUR_CLIENT'
- create new 'jobs.json' file to store your client's job information in the following format:
{"name": "",
"email": "",
"fb_login": "",
"fb_password": "",
"jobs": [
{"type": "groups",
"urls": ["",""],
"keywords_and": ["",""],
"keywords_or": ["",""],
"keywords_not": ["",""] },
{"type": "users",
"urls": [],
"keywords_and": [],
"keywords_or": [],
"keywords_not": [] }
facebook usage
- scrape user and group feed urls for keywords
- clients/YOUR_CLIENT/
- results output to 'clients/YOUR_CLIENT/results.txt'
- Flesh out additional suite of promotion and interaction tool for facebook platform
- Organize platforms and their associated data and tools into their own folders and python scripts
- Future updates will include modules for scraping and promoting to Instagram.