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can u add line and branch coverage data to class attribute
As for our project , we need more detail coverage data about every js file, so can you add the following info to classElement.
classElement.setAttribute("lines-covered", "" + file.getCodeLinesCoveredCount());
classElement.setAttribute("lines-valid", "" + file.getCodeLineCount());
classElement.setAttribute("branchs-covered", "" + file.getBranchesCoveredCount());
classElement.setAttribute("branchs-valid", "" + file.getBranchCount());
we will be very appreciate , if you add this. thank you very much !
After added , the following xml is what we want
That looks doable...let me take a look.
Unfortunately that would break the DTD.
<!ELEMENT class (methods,lines)>
<!ATTLIST class filename CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST class line-rate CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST class branch-rate CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST class complexity CDATA #REQUIRED>
I'd prefer to add support for another format that does do this. Does the JaCoCo XML format support what you want and is it usable by you.
I'd prefer to add support for another format that does do this. Does the JaCoCo XML format support what you want and is it usable by you.
that's preety good , the jacoco xml format can satisfy our demands. thank you very much~
I've created a branch for developing this. It will probably take a week or so. I've marked it as a good first issue
in case anyone wants to help. It should be a fairly straight forward addition working off the Cobertura XML code as a template.