cypress-parallel copied to clipboard
Test runner has never done on VM/Server (CI)
Context: After I install library, I can run on local machine without any error and around 50% faster than regular test runner. Problem is when I run this parallel script on build server (CI), test running process has never done, even I had waited around 24 hours to see if any arror throwed or any information logged.
I am not sure is there any configiration that I missed? Has library any limition?
Basicly after some of the test run successfully (middle of the running process), it is just waiting (just says runing) no any log displayed nor any error throwed. It seems freeze.
Expected Tests should run and done.
Assume It can be overloaded CPU and Does VM freeze?
P.S: I aware that title montined Locally on read me file that means this library doen't support CI process on VM/Server?
Hi @oktayibis! The "(locally)" in the README just refers to the fact that there are other, more common ways to parallelise tests in CI (e.g. Cypress dashboard). I can't think of anything in this package which would prevent it being run on a CI server, I'm guessing you're running into a config or environment issue. Can you add some more info (logs, config, the command you are using to run the tests etc)?
Hi @joshuajtward ,
I face the same issue on local machines several times.
I use -t 4
but it seems only 2 or 3 of 4 chunks(thread) running and it is waiting rest of them, but they never starts. I waited 20hours still there was no error shown.
Here is the commands:
"cy:run": "cypress run-ct"
"cy:clean": "rimraf ./.nyc_output"
"cy:parallel": "cypress-parallel -s cy:run -t 2 -d ./src/**/*.test.tsx"
"test": "npm run cy:clean && npm run cy:parallel"
Ah, you're using it for component testing? I'll need to do some investigation, but do you really have enough component tests that you need to parallelise them? They should run pretty quickly unless you have 1000s of them...
@oktayibis see this related issue too, the info there might be helpful:
face with same issue locally on my Mac. works good when run it on folder with small amount of cypress test files and it stucks infinitely when I try to process whole folder. BTW in ci it works like a charm 🤷