Also seems to happen when attempting to close the quickfix Window. I also noticed this error when trying to use `usages` on something imported as just the function name: ```...
Hi, any word on this?
Okay, so, after waiting on this whole operation which I always have bad luck with - upgrading vim and getting a matching version of Python to match - I can...
Oh, I should also say, I assume you've already had many of these thoughts yourself. I couldn't find a "TODO" list anywhere, so, maybe there is some cross over.
What version of Blender and XPlane2Blender are you using? Also, what export target version do you have selected for your project? (The "Version" below the export button at the top...
Okay sorry, last week was very busy. Still having a problem? If so, what exact version of XPlane2Blender is it? You can find this in the scene settings. at the...
How's it going?
Having to constantly restart Blender to test code changes is a drag. A previous attempt at making the reloading of classes was an unorganized "investigation" rather than a real effort....
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