icloud4j copied to clipboard
When the stored objet is a package (eg a Capture one package), the result does not contain a data_token object but a package object (package_token), which also contains a URL....
// E.g. "v=2:t=AQAAAABXzO24CYflBW2JwysxyUEL9KxRNoEX1Qk~" Map authMap = Splitter.on(":").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator("=").split(rawDownloadUrlToken); downloadUrlToken = authMap.get("t"); When connecting I receive a URL then that is formatted as following which obviously breaks the withKeyValueSeparator method. // E.g....
Using annotated model-classes to parse JSON objects. reworked package structure of the project a bit.
I'm guessing no because I don't see any mention of it in the tests, but I'd like to be able to access notes. :) Thanks
Hello, i know this is probably trivial, but I do not find any reference to a "client-id" connected to my current iCloud account. Do i require a developer account to...