Microsoft-Rewards-Bot copied to clipboard
Daily set no longer working
Anyone else seeing the same problem?
I think I've found the issue, another chance to the source div tags.
open_offers = self._browser.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//span[contains(@class, "mee-icon-AddMedium")]/ancestor::div[contains(@data-bi-id, "Default")]')
The xpath needs to be replaced with:
open_offers = self._browser.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//span[contains(@class, "mee-icon-AddMedium")]/ancestor::div[contains(@data-bi-id, "Gamification")]')
@tmxkn1 could you verify this works for you too?
Update: A further tweak, to make sure the rest of the daily offers are also included:
open_offers = self._browser.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//span[contains(@class, "mee-icon-AddMedium")]/ancestor::div[contains(@data-bi-id, "Gamification")] | //span[contains(@class, "mee-icon-AddMedium")]/ancestor::mee-rewards-more-activities-card-item'
Note that there is at least one current offer that causes the script to fail, the one that pops up with something like "are you sure you don't want to use Edge for 15 points instead of 5". The extra popup isn't handled at the moment.
Anyone else seeing the same problem?
I've been experiencing the same problem. I see your followup solution; is this something I can manually do on my end to fix it until a new release is made integrating these changes?
If so, how? Thanks!
@ashanrath the fix is looking fine, works for now again, thanks!
@Doaln you must go to the source code like @ashanrath mentioned and replace the line 51 with the new line
@ashanrath the fix is looking fine, works for now again, thanks!
@Doaln you must go to the source code like @ashanrath mentioned and replace the line 51 with the new line
Is this something that you would be able to explain how to do? I've done the other fixes here like the chrome driver update and userstatus. Those usually just involve opening the proper .py file with notepad++ and making the changes. This issue doesn't seem to be fixable in the same way. There is no file in the release file; it only seems to exist on the website github of the project files?
I'm not a programmer, so excuse my ignorance. if I download the file and open it, it doesn't seem formatting correctly for the comments? like quotation marks get written out like "
<tr> <td id="L51" class="blob-num js-line-number js-code-nav-line-number js-blob-rnum" data-line-number="51"></td> <td id="LC51" class="blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"> <span class=pl-s1>open_offers</span> <span class=pl-c1>=</span> <span class=pl-s1>self</span>.<span class=pl-s1>_browser</span>.<span class=pl-en>find_elements</span>(<span class=pl-v>By</span>.<span class=pl-v>XPATH</span>, <span class=pl-s>'//span[contains(@class, "mee-icon-AddMedium")]/ancestor::div[contains(@data-bi-id, "Default")]'</span>)</td> </tr>
is how my shows up if I download it. So i'm pretty sure I'm not on the right path and this isn't like those other fixes. Thanks for any help!
@Doaln don't worry about downloading anything, this change isn't in the repo yet. You need to change the file you'd already have locally when you cloned the repo. Follow the instructions in my earlier post, just open the copy of the file that you already have and replace the old code for the new.