tmuxp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tmuxp copied to clipboard

Layout is broken with 1.9.2

Open muraii opened this issue 3 years ago • 19 comments

Step 1: Provide a summary of your problem

Specifying a main-vertical layout with a main-pane-width attribute, or not, results in a main pane rendered with a width of 1 or 2 cells. This is very similar to #309, and may be identical in its root cause(s), but that issue was closed. Note that running this identical configuration on Ubuntu 18.04 with tmuxp 1.7.2 and tmux 2.6 renders the configuration as expected.

Step 2: Provide tmuxp details

$ tmux debug-info

        dist: Linux-5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2-x86_64-with-glibc2.33
        arch: x86_64
        uname: Linux; CIN2LAP4536; 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2
        version: #1 SMP Wed Oct 28 23:40:43 UTC 2020
python version: 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16)  [GCC 11.1.0]
system PATH: /home/dblack/.pyenv/shims:/home/dblack/neovim/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64:/home/dblack/.local/bin:/home/dblack/.poetry/bin:/home/dblack/.pyenv/bin:/usr/local/opt/vim/bin/vim:/usr/local/sbin:/home/dblack/bin:/home/dblack/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/dblack/.pyenv/bin:/home/dblack/winHome/gitrepos/fzf/bin:/opt/apache-spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/bin:/opt/mssql-tools/bin
tmux version: 3.2
libtmux version: 0.10.1
tmuxp version: 1.9.2
tmux path: /usr/sbin/tmux
tmuxp path: /home/dblack/.local/pipx/venvs/tmuxp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tmuxp/
shell: /usr/sbin/zsh
tmux sessions:

        no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
tmux windows:

        no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
tmux panes:

        no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
tmux global options:

        no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default
tmux window options:

        no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default

Step 3: Describe the problem:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install tmuxp with pipx (unsure if relevant)
  2. Create .tmuxp.yaml configuration file as noted below.
  3. Start tmux with tmuxp load .
  4. Observe that the main pane is extremely narrow.

Observed Results:

Notice the main pane is very narrow. image

Expected Results:

After detaching and reattaching, the rendering corrects itself. image

Relevant Code:


session_name: 'glorp'
# Reference this issue for why we need to use `source` here:
- source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
- focus: 'true'
window_name: main_work
# layout: 222e,209x48,0,0{104x48,0,0,0,104x48,105,0[104x24,105,0,1,104x23,105,25,2]}
# layout: 1658,209x48,0,0{134x48,0,0,1,74x48,135,0[74x24,135,0,2,74x23,135,25,3]}
layout: main-vertical
options: {
  main-pane-width: 134
- focus: 'true'
  shell_command: clear
  # - vifm
- pane
- shell_command:
    - clear
    - ipython

Other output as requested for #309:

tmux show-window-options

automatic-rename off
main-pane-width 134

tmux show-options

default-size 800x600

tmux show-window-options -g

aggressive-resize off
allow-rename off
alternate-screen on
automatic-rename on
automatic-rename-format "#{?pane_in_mode,[tmux],#{pane_current_command}}#{?pane_dead,[dead],}"
clock-mode-colour blue
clock-mode-style 24
copy-mode-match-style bg=cyan,fg=black
copy-mode-current-match-style bg=magenta,fg=black
copy-mode-mark-style bg=red,fg=black
main-pane-height 24
main-pane-width 80
mode-keys vi
mode-style bg=yellow,fg=black
monitor-activity off
monitor-bell on
monitor-silence 0
other-pane-height 0
other-pane-width 0
pane-active-border-style fg=colour254
pane-base-index 0
pane-border-format "#{?pane_active,#[reverse],}#{pane_index}#[default] \"#{pane_title}\""
pane-border-lines single
pane-border-status off
pane-border-style fg=colour240
remain-on-exit off
synchronize-panes off
window-active-style default
window-size latest
window-style default
window-status-activity-style none
window-status-bell-style reverse
window-status-current-format "#[fg=colour234,bg=colour31,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour117,bg=colour31] #I #[fg=colour231,bg=colour31,bold] #W #[fg=colour31,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]"
window-status-current-style default
window-status-format "#[fg=colour244,bg=colour234] #I #[fg=colour250,bg=colour234] #W "
window-status-last-style default
window-status-separator ''
window-status-style none,fg=colour250,bg=colour234
wrap-search on
xterm-keys on

tmux show-options -g

@plugin christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator                                                                                                                                                                             activity-action other                                                                                                                                                                                              assume-paste-time 1                                                                                                                                                                                                base-index 0                                                                                                                                                                                                       bell-action any                                                                                                                                                                                                    default-command ''                                                                                                                                                                                                 default-shell /usr/sbin/zsh                                                                                                                                                                                        default-size 80x24                                                                                                                                                                                                 destroy-unattached off                                                                                                                                                                                             detach-on-destroy on                                                                                                                                                                                               display-panes-active-colour red                                                                                                                                                                                    display-panes-colour blue                                                                                                                                                                                          display-panes-time 1000                                                                                                                                                                                            display-time 750                                                                                                                                                                                                   history-limit 2000                                                                                                                                                                                                 key-table root                                                                                                                                                                                                     lock-after-time 0                                                                                                                                                                                                  lock-command "lock -np"   
message-command-style fg=colour231,bg=colour31
message-style fg=colour231,bg=colour31
mouse on
prefix C-a
prefix2 None
renumber-windows off
repeat-time 500
set-titles off
set-titles-string "#S:#I:#W - \"#T\" #{session_alerts}"
silence-action other
status on
status-bg default
status-fg default
status-format[0] "#[align=left range=left #{status-left-style}]#[push-default]#{T;=/#{status-left-length}:status-left}#[pop-default]#[norange default]#[list=on align=#{status-justify}]#[list=left-marker]<#[list=right-marker]>#[list=on]#{W:#[range=window|#{window_index} #{window-status-style}#{?#{&&:#{window_last_flag},#{!=:#{window-status-last-style},default}}, #{window-status-last-style},}#{?#{&&:#{window_bell_flag},#{!=:#{window-status-bell-style},default}}, #{window-status-bell-style},#{?#{&&:#{||:#{window_activity_flag},#{window_silence_flag}},#{!=:#{window-status-activity-style},default}}, #{window-status-activity-style},}}]#[push-default]#{T:window-status-format}#[pop-default]#[norange default]#{?window_end_flag,,#{window-status-separator}},#[range=window|#{window_index} list=focus #{?#{!=:#{window-status-current-style},default},#{window-status-current-style},#{window-status-style}}#{?#{&&:#{window_last_flag},#{!=:#{window-status-last-style},default}}, #{window-status-last-style},}#{?#{&&:#{window_bell_flag},#{!=:#{window-status-bell-style},default}}, #{window-status-bell-style},#{?#{&&:#{||:#{window_activity_flag},#{window_silence_flag}},#{!=:#{window-status-activity-style},default}}, #{window-status-activity-style},}}]#[push-default]#{T:window-status-current-format}#[pop-default]#[norange list=on default]#{?window_end_flag,,#{window-status-separator}}}#[nolist align=right range=right #{status-right-style}]#[push-default]#{T;=/#{status-right-length}:status-right}#[pop-default]#[norange default]"
status-format[1] "#[align=centre]#{P:#{?pane_active,#[reverse],}#{pane_index}[#{pane_width}x#{pane_height}]#[default] }"
status-interval 15
status-justify left
status-keys vi
status-left "#[fg=colour16,bg=colour254,bold] #S #[fg=colour254,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]"
status-left-length 100
status-left-style none
status-position bottom
status-right "#[fg=colour236,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour247,bg=colour236] %Y-%m-%d  %H:%M #[fg=colour252,bg=colour236,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour235,bg=colour252] #h "status-right-length 100
status-right-style none
status-style none,bg=colour234
update-environment[0] DISPLAY
update-environment[1] KRB5CCNAME
update-environment[2] SSH_ASKPASS
update-environment[3] SSH_AUTH_SOCK
update-environment[4] SSH_AGENT_PID
update-environment[5] SSH_CONNECTION
update-environment[6] WINDOWID
update-environment[7] XAUTHORITY
visual-activity off
visual-bell off
visual-silence off
word-separators " "

muraii avatar Jul 22 '21 22:07 muraii

If we had this testable via our CI (some how, not sure how we could) that'd be awesome. That'd assure our fix works across tmux versions and future PRs.

tony avatar Aug 24 '21 19:08 tony

@muraii If you (or anyone experiencing this) removes stuff from your config file, such as removing / commenting out shell_command_before and other things, is anything different?

I'm on tmuxp 1.9.2 + wsl 2 + tmux 3.2a and have gotten into a habit of redoing the layout by hand. This is one I need help on

tony avatar Aug 24 '21 19:08 tony

@muraii If you (or anyone experiencing this) removes stuff from your config file, such as removing / commenting out shell_command_before and other things, is anything different?

I'm on tmuxp 1.9.2 + wsl 2 + tmux 3.2a and have gotten into a habit of redoing the layout by hand. This is one I need help on

Removing shell_command_before seems to do the trick, yeah. I think I'd prefer to leave it in and detach/reattach, since that shell command is activating a virtual environment, but at least that's something. I'm on the same versions of tmuxp/WSL/tmux as you.

ETA: I'm noticing that this problem is intermittent. I can't figure out what causes it to behave correctly or incorrectly. Could it happen because whatever the shell command I'm running with shell_command_before takes too long to execute?

muraii avatar Aug 25 '21 16:08 muraii

@muraii That is interesting though. There must be something timing-wise that we need to list to, so we change the layout at the correct time.

Could it happen because whatever the shell command I'm running with shell_command_before takes too long to execute?

I think so - possibly. Assuming this is the cause, if we wanted to fix this, we'd need to make it so certain types of commands are queue'd / blocking / delay'd.

Perhaps we can introduce something like:

session_name: 'glorp'
# Reference this issue for why we need to use `source` here:
- command: source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
  wait: 500

or sleep: 500

And maybe something that'd give it enough space in between. (still though, we're not sure this is a (or the root) cause of layout issues yet)

tony avatar Aug 25 '21 17:08 tony

I think this issue relates to #667 , which was reproduced in versions 1.7.2 and 1.9.2. I can reproduce it myself with this yaml:

session_name: some
start_directory: ./
  - focus: 'true'
    layout: main-horizontal
      main-pane-height: 35
    - pane
    - pane
    - pane
    window_name: foo

categulario avatar Nov 18 '21 15:11 categulario

Did we ever get a test recreation of this breaking in a pull request? That would be very helpful.

If anyone could assist / spend some time on it that'd be helpful!

tony avatar Jan 11 '22 01:01 tony


Regarding sleep, if you try 1.10.0b4+, how does this work?

Live in 1.10.0b4 pypi branch

pip install --user --upgrade --pre tmuxp==1.10.0b4

or pipx install [email protected] 'tmuxp==1.10.0b4' then [email protected] load <yaml file>

docs: skip command execution

session_name: 'glorp'
# Reference this issue for why we need to use `source` here:
- cmd: source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
  sleep_before: 1
  sleep_after: 1
  - panes:
    - echo "hello"

You'd this this would be possible

session_name: 'glorp'
# Reference this issue for why we need to use `source` here:
  - panes:
    - shell_command:
      - cmd: source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
        sleep_after: 1
      - echo "hello"

tony avatar Mar 14 '22 00:03 tony

Hi @tony !

Did we ever get a test recreation of this breaking in a pull request? That would be very helpful.

I just tried to run the tests on my computer and I get four failures in tests/ and then it gets stuck at about the 10th test in tests/ More details bellow.


Of the four tests that fail two are caused by a window object being None and two complain about getting id from a None but provide no more information, although the last line shown in the traceback is a call to exec.

It might be related to this, it might not. Maybe something in my environment (and @muraii 's) that causes this failures are also causing the layout problem, which is still happening for me in tmuxp 1.11.1, libtmux 0.11.0

categulario avatar May 17 '22 00:05 categulario

Welcome @categulario!!

Of the four tests that fail two are caused by a window object being None and two complain about getting id from a None but provide no more information, although the last line shown in the traceback is a call to exec.

I'm interested if you were to check out a development environment and tweak around with WorkspaceBuilder, is there anything you can do to further isolate it?

It might be related to this, it might not. Maybe something in my environment (and @muraii 's) that causes this failures are also causing the layout problem, which is still happening for me in tmuxp 1.11.1, libtmux 0.11.0

That may be the case indeed. Do you think you're reporting a potentially (perhaps new) test issue? If you do, maybe report in a new issue until we can tie it to this?

Do you have tmuxp debug-info and your OS/shell/etc info too?

tony avatar May 17 '22 01:05 tony

I'm interested if you were to check out a development environment and tweak around with WorkspaceBuilder, is there anything you can do to further isolate it?

I'll try to isolate the four exceptions (and the test hanging the whole test suite). Is there any advice/suggestions/protocols you follow to do this? I'm more of a print-debugger :P

Do you think you're reporting a potentially (perhaps new) test issue? If you do, maybe report in a new issue until we can tie it to this?

Sure. Should I just open a tracking issue and attach the log?

Do you have tmuxp debug-info and your OS/shell/etc info too?


I think the debug info includes the OS/Shell.

categulario avatar May 17 '22 01:05 categulario

I'll try to isolate the four exceptions (and the test hanging the whole test suite). Is there any advice/suggestions/protocols you follow to do this? I'm more of a print-debugger :P

I'm a bit sleepy now as I wake up early AM, but you can check out the source code and do tmuxp load . inside the git directory

  • make start to rerun on file change

  • test tests/

    env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv tests/" poetry run make start

  • test test_automatic_rename_option() in tests/

    env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv tests/" poetry run make start

  • add assert False to stop at an area of code

  • use a debug loop

    1. pip install ipython
    2. env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb" poetry run make start
    3. you can now run pdb commands

let me know if any of these help

and I think you should repost this in a new issue and we continue from there (so we don't side-track in the event this is unrelated)

tony avatar May 17 '22 01:05 tony

I apologize for not replying earlier. I’ll do more testing to narrow the issue and get back to you. On May 16, 2022, 19:23 -0600, Tony Narlock @.***>, wrote:

I'll try to isolate the four exceptions (and the test hanging the whole test suite). Is there any advice/suggestions/protocols you follow to do this? I'm more of a print-debugger :P I'm a bit sleepy now as I wake up early AM, but you can check out the source code and do tmuxp load . inside the git directory

• > make start to rerun on file change • > test tests/ env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv tests/" poetry run make start • > test test_automatic_rename_option() in tests/ env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv tests/" poetry run make start • > add assert False to stop at an area of code • > use a debug loop 1. pip install ipython 2. env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x -vv --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb" poetry run make start 3. you can now run pdb commands

let me know if any of these help and I think you should repost this in a new issue and we continue from there (so we don't side-track in the event this is unrelated) — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

muraii avatar May 17 '22 01:05 muraii

@categulario @muraii I updated the development docs, it's not a lot but should help a bit:

tony avatar May 17 '22 01:05 tony

Thanks for the updated docs @tony !

categulario avatar May 17 '22 02:05 categulario

@muraii, @nodeselector, @samm81, @askielboe, @mohammadne

v1.13.1 is live with a fix, via @nvasilas from #793

PyPI, GitHub Tag

pip install tmuxp==1.13.1

Any better now?

P.S. You may need to kill your tmux server or try on a fresh one by passing something like tmuxp ./workspacefile.yaml -L OtherTmuxServer

tony avatar Aug 21 '22 21:08 tony

I see that you've just reverted it (temporarily), but wanted to say I got it installed before the revert and it seems to work great! thank you! I'm integrating tmuxp back into my workflow now :)

samm81 avatar Sep 12 '22 15:09 samm81

Thanks for all your work on this, team. I updated to v 1.27.0 and still see the issue, fwiw (issue originally posted against v1.9.2).

EDIT: I appear to have spoken too soon. I had shut down all sessions and retried but now that I've fiddled a bit more the layout appears to be correct on creating a new session.

muraii avatar Feb 13 '23 15:02 muraii

@muraii Could you share your config? I'm also still running into this problem every morning when I start my tmuxp config :D

Bassadin avatar Nov 07 '23 09:11 Bassadin

@muraii Could you share your config? I'm also still running into this problem every morning when I start my tmuxp config :D

I haven't used this setup in a while, but I just tried it on two different machines with tmux 3.3a and tmuxp 1.9.3 as well as tmuxp 1.27.9 with libtmux 0.21.0. Still renders with the main pane at approximately 10-15 px wide. When I detach then reattach, it renders perfectly.

# Reference this issue for why we need to use `source` here:
  - source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
- focus: 'true'
  window_name: main_work
  # layout: 222e,209x48,0,0{104x48,0,0,0,104x48,105,0[104x24,105,0,1,104x23,105,25,2]}
  # layout: 1658,209x48,0,0{134x48,0,0,1,74x48,135,0[74x24,135,0,2,74x23,135,25,3]}
  layout: main-vertical
  options: {
    main-pane-width: 134
  - focus: 'true'
    shell_command: clear
    # - vifm
  - pane
  - shell_command:
      - clear
      - ipython

muraii avatar Nov 22 '23 21:11 muraii

@muraii @Bassadin @samm81 @sohang3112

I have a PR at #926 testing a fix for this longstanding issue. If you have any time to try it out, you can using these instructions. If you do, does it work any better?

tony avatar Apr 07 '24 17:04 tony

If you try v1.46.0 (docs, changes, release, PyPI), is anything better?


pip install --user --upgrade tmuxp

tmuxp -V should show at least 1.46.0.

tony avatar Apr 13 '24 16:04 tony

@tony I tried with tmuxp v1.46.0 - it's working fine for me in WSL Ubuntu. Thanks for fixing the issue 👍

sohang3112 avatar Apr 19 '24 14:04 sohang3112

Works like a charm for me now as well in Arch :) Thanks!

Bassadin avatar Apr 19 '24 14:04 Bassadin

@sohang3112 @Bassadin Thank you, both! With that in mind I will consider this issue fixed and close this.

tony avatar Apr 19 '24 23:04 tony