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Simple, powerful, minimalist package to turn your Node.js with Sequelize RESTful APIs into Graph APIs.

Sequelize Query Parser

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Simple, powerful, minimalist package to turn your Node.js with Sequelize RESTful APIs into Graph APIs.

// Pass `db` connection object which has `Sequelize.Op`
const queryParser = require("sequelize-query")(db);

getUsers = async req => {
    // Parse your API query
    let query = await queryParser.parse(req);

    // Pass to Sequelize model find...() functions
    return User.findAndCountAll(query);

Features and Syntax with examples

  • Request specific set of fields instead of fetching all the table columns
// fields=field01,field02...

// E.g: Get only id, name and email
  • GET collection request APIs pagination support by default (without you writing code for that)
// NOTE: Max page size limit is set to 200
  • GET collection request APIs sorting and groupping by default.


// Sort by id in ascending order

// Sort by name in descending order


// Group by id
  • Simple filter query operations on the request objects
// Query format is
// filedName=unaryOperator:value

// Get all entries where firstName is like Reza or Rezaul, etc

// Get all entries where id is greater than 2 and lastName is like Reza%
  • Querying with sequelize JSON format
// Find where firstname is Twaha and id is 1 or firstName is Riajul and id is 2
?query={"or": [{"and": [{"firstName": "Twaha"}, {"id": 1}]}, {"and": [{"firstName": "Riajul"}, {"id": 2}]}]}
// NOTE: query maps your query object to `where=queryObj`
  • Fetch and Query on relational objects (tables)
// Get only those whose role is 'admin'
?include={"model": "UserRole", "as": "userRole", "include" : {"model": "Role", "as" : "role", "required": 1, "where": {"name": "admin"} }}


Just use sequelize format query in the API requests
substituting Sequelize operators with below keys.

gt:,                      // gt (greater than) for
gte: Op.gte,
lte: Op.lte,
eq: Op.eq,
not: Op.not,
like:,                  // LIKE '%hat'
notLike: Op.notLike,            // NOT LIKE '%hat'
regexp: Op.regexp,              // REGEXP/~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
notRegexp: Op.notRegexp,        // NOT REGEXP/!~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
and: Op.and,                    // AND (a = 5)
or: Op.or,                      // (a = 5 OR a = 6)
between: Op.between,            // BETWEEN 6 AND 10
notBetween: Op.notBetween,      // NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
in:,                      // IN [1, 2]
notIn: Op.notIn,                // NOT IN [1, 2]


npm i sequelize-query


I really appreciate your help in any case.
Fixes, Improvements, Enhancements, Documentation.

To contribute, please create a pull request to develop branch.