Quinn Hoyer
Quinn Hoyer
If I have an engine that is a dependency of another engine, I see the following WARNINGs during the build: WARNING: Addon "amd-transform" is defining a transform name: amd that...
Do I need it? Do I need to pass ...arguments?
Input & Expected Output ```js import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { withMoar } from 'foo-bar'; module('Acceptance | foo-bar', function () {...
When native-dom transforms `find(selector, context)` or `findAll(selector, context)` the (now) unused specifiers remain in the import statement
When I install this addon, the moduleNameLookupPatterns method in addon/mixins/route-alias-resolver.js never runs. Nor does a "CP using this._super in the mixin" pattern work in a reduced case. The reason I...
The ordering I want for package.json might be different than the order I want for other .json files. It would be great if this supported that/
Support the [microdata](https://schema.org/docs/gs.html) or [hrecipe](http://microformats.org/wiki/hrecipe) format. In addition to allowing this recipe to be imported into shopping apps (such as the very popular [AnyList](https://www.anylist.com/)), these standards are used by search...