open-log-viewer copied to clipboard
Highlighting via regex goes beyond match + cannot copy/paste on macOS
Hi there,
It looks like regex matching is sort of like a start spot for highlighting to continue indefinitely until a next regex is matched. I personally find it more useful if highlighting limits to the full match instead. - that's what the debug regex should help mark as green. - that's the error regex
As a secondary issue: I cannot copy/paste from log viewer at all, not even from the regular expression fields on 10.14.4 using latest linked dmg version 1.4.1.
Hi Alan,
I've made the highlight feature work in that way because, for me, it's easier to read the logs files. I could add a checkbox to enable or disable this feature.
According to copy/paste, I can't test macOS devices, I usually develop on Windows and I'm using linux virtual machines for some testing, so it's hard for me to test on macOS but I will try.
Thanks for your feedback!
Hi Alan,
I've just created a new branch where I've added the copy/paste support for macOS,
Could you build the app and check if the short cuts works correctly?
@tmoreno I have tested that feature branch on my macOS Big Sur v11.1 and copying still does not work. To note, I am using CMD + C as I did not see a contextual menu or File navigation for copying.
@styledev and @tmoreno,
I git cloned the repo, built and ran. At first, I didn't see the Edit
menu either. Nor did copy/paste work. Then, I realized I didn't checkout the proper branch. Once I did git checkout enable-copy-paste-on-macos
, and then rebuilt, copy/paste worked (macOS 11.3).
@tmoreno, any chance you could merge this and release a new build?
Hi @jhult @styledev @working-name
I've just published a new version with the macOS copy/paste shortcut fixed.
@tmoreno awesome! Thank you so much, I can copy paste everywhere now. Using 10.15.7.
Sorry to be a nag but would it be possible to make the current match-everything-til-next-regex behavior optional? It's ok if not, it's still a HUGE help going through large logfiles that contain mostly useless things. Thank you, once again.
@tmoreno, thanks! 1.5.1 works great with copy/paste on macOS 11.4 Beta.
@tmoreno awesome! Thank you so much, I can copy paste everywhere now. Using 10.15.7.
Sorry to be a nag but would it be possible to make the current match-everything-til-next-regex behavior optional? It's ok if not, it's still a HUGE help going through large logfiles that contain mostly useless things. Thank you, once again.
Hi @working-name!
Currently, I'm working in other side project and I don't have enough free time 😅
I have planned to do this, and other features, as soon as possible.
Thanks for your feedback.