Thanks so far for your quick action! Last cleanup of yesterday evenings errors (4 Doubles at 22:11 -> 16 Doubles at 02:50) has been done this morning 08:38. Now, 11h...
Status after 4 days, 120 batch edits, 30 normal page edits and 40 edits via data editor: - no doubles any more -> The main problem seems to be solved...
Status after 10 days: Not a single double any more. -> Consider this issue as closed. Thanks again for your help!
Closed too early: Today I got some doubles again... a lot of them :( Do you need the sqlite database again, or anything else?
Observation of today: - wiki got slow, unresponsive, lots of "502 Bad gateway" - problem seems to be fixed now (not by me), no 502 any more, wiki is fast...
@splitbrain Problem re-occured today in a brandnew wiki: (currently OK after cleanup via sqlite-interface) > @tmo26 we had reports of problems with APC in the past (unrelated to the...
@splitbrain The trim($id) you proposed has no effect: Double dataentries are coming back after a while. Any other ideas? Anything else I can do?
- I have now deactivated Zend OPcache via opcache.ini: ``` opcache.enable=0 opcache.enable_cli=0 ``` - All dataentries have been newly created due to adding some new datafields. - Searchindex has been...
I found the culprit: It is the pagequery plugin that creates the double dataentries. - With deactivated pagequery plugin, no doubles occur (at least not within 12h) - With activated...
@splitbrain > Going through the source code, it seems to me that the problem occurs when entries are resaved on metadata rendering. It's the only way data can get saved...