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Missing Driver Action
My driver definition is below.
When I try to use delete I receive the folllowing compiler error.
Error:(72, 12) type mismatch;
found : trafficland.commons.slick.ExtendedPostGresDriver.DriverAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Write]
(which expands to) slick.profile.FixedSqlAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Write]
required: slick.dbio.DBIOAction[Boolean,slick.dbio.NoStream,Nothing]
package trafficland.commons.slick
import com.github.tminglei.slickpg._
object ORIENTATIONS extends Enumeration {
type Orientation = Value
trait ExtendedPostGresDriver
extends ExPostgresDriver
with PgArraySupport
with PgDateSupport
with PgDate2Support
with PgPostGISSupport
with PgEnumSupport
override val api = MyAPI
object MyAPI
extends API
with ArrayImplicits
with DateTimeImplicits
with PostGISImplicits
with PostGISAssistants
implicit val uriColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[, String](
{ u => u.toString},
{ t => new URI(t)}
implicit val orientationTypeMapper = createEnumJdbcType("orientation", ORIENTATIONS)
implicit val stringVectorTypeMapper = new SimpleArrayJdbcType[String]("text").to(_.toVector)
implicit val intVectorTypeMapper = new SimpleArrayJdbcType[Int]("int").to(_.toVector)
object ExtendedPostGresDriver extends ExtendedPostGresDriver
I saw this question :, but I did not have extra implicit import so it didn't help me.
Hi @bearrito, why did you mix in both PgDateSupport
and PgDate2Support
If you need them both, why not use SimpleDateTimeImplicits
or Date2DateTimeImplicitsDuration
instead of DateTimeImplicits
I remove the PgDateSupport import, but I'm still not having any luck on getting the delete action. What other information can I provide to sort this out?
Is it related to -
Hi @bearrito, you didn't paste the real wrong codes here.
As the error message said:
Error:(72, 12) type mismatch;
found : trafficland.commons.slick.ExtendedPostGresDriver.DriverAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Write]
(which expands to) slick.profile.FixedSqlAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Write]
required: slick.dbio.DBIOAction[Boolean,slick.dbio.NoStream,Nothing]
It required a slick.dbio.DBIOAction[Boolean,slick.dbio.NoStream,Nothing]
, but you gave it a slick.dbio.DBIOAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Write]
If you still can't find the point, pls paste the usage codes here, to help me know what exactly happened.