Tomasz Michniewski
Tomasz Michniewski
@Craigacp Hello Adam, I am not comparing Python times to Java times. I try to compare GPU time to CPU time. Python code was only to show that GPU version...
Moreover, Karl also pointed me in his third comment to the following description, which clearly states that if there is a choice, then GPU takes precedence: "If a TensorFlow operation...
I also do not believe that Java version could be slover than Python one. But this is not the issue here. The problem is that it seems that GPU is...
Maybe there is some issue with graphic card compute capability. In our case it is 7.0 and was also 3.7. Does this library work with cards with such parameters? If...
Hello @karllessard, @saudet, @roywei and zaleslaw and lankin520, I also could confirm that it is possible to use GPU builds without trouble. But the key question here is whether the...
Hello @lanking520, Refering to: "we were able to use GPU to run inference. For GPU use case, you need to make sure your operator and model are loaded on GPU...
In general I think that there might be three possibilities: 1. First possibility is that I might be doing something wrong in my test program, however I think you had...
Hello @karllessard, Refering to DeviceSpec.newBuilder().deviceType(...) - I cannot use this construction because deviceType metod is called on object Builder, which is package-private and cannot be used outside of org.tensorflow package....
Hello Alex @zaleslaw, 1.15.0 - so the API of Tensorflow 1 which had recent commit in Maven Repository in October 2019 (we skipped this from the very beginning as obsolete),...
Refering to your last statement, well, I setup another cluster without GPU, so only CPU with similiar core class and got 7.1s. Then I run this on a laptop with...