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Add sticky, fullscreen_mode, floating properties to Node
Hi, these properties are undocumented. I think it's best that we respect the documentation here: https://i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html#_tree_reply
While the nodes might have more properties, please do not use any properties which are not documented here. They are not yet finalized and will probably change!
Ofc if these properties have been around for a while and you find them useful you might be able to convince i3 devs to stabilize them.
Fullscreen mode has been documented in i3-next ipc doc with this commit: https://github.com/i3/i3/commit/148bdeefdcd57738020d6a4c72137235584a52e8#diff-1429183bc39fbbc846a64ce95be90b0b
Since I use this PR, I also have created PR on i3 to document sticky
and floating
here: https://github.com/i3/i3/pull/3904
Hopefully upstream accepts it!