Tiran Meltser
Tiran Meltser
Comments are well understood (at least at this point) - **could you share a link to a suitable csi-proxy binary installation?** What assistance would you like to get regarding the...
All is running over VMWare ESXi v6.7u3: - Rancher v2.6.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 - Cluster is based on RKE1, K8S version is 1.22.9 - Windows nodes on server 2019 build...
We have tried RKE2 but couldn't get it to work, so we are using RKE1 for all our clusters (currently we have 3).
As mentioned before, we can't test this new addition due to our deployment layout, but I hope others may find this important addition useful. 10x.
Well, I was able to change deploy/04_operator.yaml by replacing "image: registry.pharos.sh/kontenapharos/akrobateo:latest" with "image: kontenapharos/akrobateo:latest" This enabled the Akrobateo to run. But when adding a service of type LoadBalancer I fell...
Hi @toonsevrin - just saw your message. First - thanks for taking the time to comment Second - I'll try to give it a try, although not sure I should...
Well - we thought about using this tool with our TCP based services (actually SIP, so Ingress isn't suitable here) alongside with the **ExternalDNS** add-on to dynamically publish the designated...
Actually the metallb was our previous solution but it turns out it collides with our CNI -> Calico. So, while looking at what Calico can offer, this solution would have...
What you are saying is true, but I wanted to give the Akrobateo another try. Alas, I got stuck with a same problem like last time, which is fully described...
I don't mind the Akrobateo works as a Daemonset, I don't want to deploy my micro-service(s) as Daemonset from the reasons mentioned above. I will try to crack it anyway,...