opendcp copied to clipboard
DCP Playback Warning "Code 3" on Fraunhofer EasyDCP Player
*Please fill in all defect information below.*
Product Version: 0.30.0
Operating system: Win 7 64 Bit
I tried to create a DCP File which worked fine with OpenDCP. I then opened it
with Fraunhofer EasyDCP Player and the File is also playing well. But I get a
Warning "code 3". I don't want to buy whole player for 1000 Euro, just to get
an exakt description of the warning message. So I googled, that this massage
could have to do with the Metadata that I write just before exporting the final
DCP. I tried everything, from entering a full Metadata linie, then a short
descrition, filling in an "issuer", not filling in an issuer... but whatever I
enter, I always get these warning massage.
So I don't know if my DCP would run on every cinema system.
Attached are the warning massage and both XML files from the final DCP for
Thank you for your help.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 23 Oct 2014 at 3:29
Unfortunately, without getting what the code means, not much we can go on.
EasyDCP has throw incorrect errors/warnings in the past.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Dec 2014 at 3:52