opendcp copied to clipboard
Open DCP failing to convert some Tiff files to JPG towards the end of process
*Please fill in all defect information below.*
Product Version: 0.29.0
Operating system: OS X 10.8.3
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Begin conversion as normal of 16bit Tiff files exported from Adobe AE to jpg
What is the expected output?
Exported jpg files
What is actual output?
Opendcp operates normally for most of the conversion process, then during the
last few thousand frames it begins dropping files like mad/fails to convert.
Drops files arbitrarily too i.e. when i tr the process again it's not always
the same files it fails to convert.
Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 28 Jun 2014 at 2:37
I've worked out it seems to drop a total of 600 files, now trying to discover
which ones
Original comment by [email protected]
on 28 Jun 2014 at 2:50