helm-bibtex copied to clipboard
do not reverse (and unreverse) the files list
BibTeX requires files in a particular order (dependencies first) and so does this library (also dependencies first). However, the double reversal makes the latter incompatible with the former.
Consider a bibliographical database spread across two bib
files, e.g.
% file-1.bib
@string{eurocryptname = "EUROCRYPT"}
@string{eurocryptpub = springer}
@string{eurocrypt17-2 = "EC17-2"}
@string{eurocrypt17name2 = eurocryptname # "~2017, Part~II"}
@string{eurocrypt17ed = "Jean-S{\'{e}}bastien Coron and Jesper Buus Nielsen"}
@string{eurocrypt17addr = "Paris, France"}
@string{eurocrypt17month = apr # "~30~--~" # may # "~4,"}
% file-2.bib
title = eurocrypt17name2,
editor = eurocrypt17ed,
booktitle = eurocrypt17name2,
volume = eurocrypt17vol2,
address = eurocrypt17addr,
month = eurocrypt17month,
publisher = eurocryptpub,
series = mylncs,
year = 2017,
key = eurocrypt17key2,
author = "Martin R. Albrecht",
title = "On Dual Lattice Attacks Against Small-Secret {LWE} and Parameter Choices in {HElib} and {SEAL}",
pages = "103--129",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-56614-6_4",
crossref = eurocrypt17-2,
Both BibTeX and this library require file-1.bib
to come before file-2.bib
but the double reversal means this library processed files in the opposite order of BibTeX.
Hi Martin. Sorry, but I don't understand which problem this PR is trying to solve. When I used the example data you provided above, things worked as expected.
I cannot reproduce it now either. Sorry for the noise!
Sorry, this is hamfisted but it at least shows there is some issue here (and I wasn't dreaming :))
(load "~/Downloads/testbed/helm-bibtex/bibtex-completion.el")
(load "~/Downloads/testbed/helm-bibtex/helm-bibtex.el")
;; git clone https://github.com/cryptobib/export_crossref cryptobib
(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography
(defun bibtex-completion-candidates ()
"Read the BibTeX files and return a list of conses, one for each entry.
The first element of these conses is a string containing authors,
editors, title, year, type, and key of the entry. This string
is used for matching. The second element is the entry (only the
fields listed above) as an alist."
(let ((files (nreverse (bibtex-completion-normalize-bibliography 'bibtex)))
(ht-strings (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;; Open each bibliography file in a temporary buffer,
;; check hash of bibliography and mark for reparsing if necessary:
for file in files
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((bibliography-hash (secure-hash 'sha256 (current-buffer))))
(unless (string= (cadr (assoc file bibtex-completion-cache))
;; Mark file as reparsed.
;; This will be useful to resolve cross-references:
(push file reparsed-files)))))
;; TODO This code doesn't belong here. It's specific to just one
;; way of doing notes and should be a module. Could be run via a
;; hook, a defadvice, or perhaps via inotify when the notes file
;; changes. The benefit of the last option is that it needs no
;; new interface in core bibtex-completion and runs independently.
;; The downside is that we get in trouble if the user changes the
;; `bibtex-completion-notes-path'. We're then tracking an
;; incorrect file.
;; TODO This code does not respect
;; `bibtex-completion-notes-key-pattern'.
;; TODO There should be a checksum for the notes file and the keys
;; should only be collected if this checksum has changed.
;; TODO This code should only be run if we actually reload BibTeX
;; files. No need to do it otherwise.
(when (and bibtex-completion-notes-path
(f-file? bibtex-completion-notes-path))
(require 'org-element)
(org-mode) ;; need this to avoid error in emacs 25.3.1
(insert-file-contents bibtex-completion-notes-path)
(setq bibtex-completion-cached-notes-keys
(let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'headline)))
(org-element-map tree 'headline
(lambda (key) (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID key)))))))
;; reparse if necessary
(when reparsed-files
for file in files
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((bibliography-hash (secure-hash 'sha256 (current-buffer))))
(if (not (member file reparsed-files))
(bibtex-completion-update-strings-ht ht-strings
(cddr (assoc file bibtex-completion-string-cache)))
(message "Parsing bibliography file %s ..." file)
(bibtex-completion-clear-string-cache (list file))
(push (-cons* file
(bibtex-completion-parse-strings ht-strings))
(bibtex-completion-clear-cache (list file))
(push (-cons* file
(bibtex-completion-parse-bibliography ht-strings))
(setf bibtex-completion-string-hash-table ht-strings))
;; If some files were reparsed, resolve cross-references:
(when reparsed-files
(message "Resolving cross-references ...")
(bibtex-completion-resolve-crossrefs files reparsed-files))
;; Finally return the list of candidates:
(message "Done (re)loading bibliography.")
for file in files
append (cddr (assoc file bibtex-completion-cache))))))
;; W/O: nreverse
(defun bibtex-completion-candidates ()
"Read the BibTeX files and return a list of conses, one for each entry.
The first element of these conses is a string containing authors,
editors, title, year, type, and key of the entry. This string
is used for matching. The second element is the entry (only the
fields listed above) as an alist."
(let ((files (bibtex-completion-normalize-bibliography 'bibtex))
(ht-strings (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;; Open each bibliography file in a temporary buffer,
;; check hash of bibliography and mark for reparsing if necessary:
for file in files
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((bibliography-hash (secure-hash 'sha256 (current-buffer))))
(unless (string= (cadr (assoc file bibtex-completion-cache))
;; Mark file as reparsed.
;; This will be useful to resolve cross-references:
(push file reparsed-files)))))
;; TODO This code doesn't belong here. It's specific to just one
;; way of doing notes and should be a module. Could be run via a
;; hook, a defadvice, or perhaps via inotify when the notes file
;; changes. The benefit of the last option is that it needs no
;; new interface in core bibtex-completion and runs independently.
;; The downside is that we get in trouble if the user changes the
;; `bibtex-completion-notes-path'. We're then tracking an
;; incorrect file.
;; TODO This code does not respect
;; `bibtex-completion-notes-key-pattern'.
;; TODO There should be a checksum for the notes file and the keys
;; should only be collected if this checksum has changed.
;; TODO This code should only be run if we actually reload BibTeX
;; files. No need to do it otherwise.
(when (and bibtex-completion-notes-path
(f-file? bibtex-completion-notes-path))
(require 'org-element)
(org-mode) ;; need this to avoid error in emacs 25.3.1
(insert-file-contents bibtex-completion-notes-path)
(setq bibtex-completion-cached-notes-keys
(let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'headline)))
(org-element-map tree 'headline
(lambda (key) (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID key)))))))
;; reparse if necessary
(when reparsed-files
for file in files
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((bibliography-hash (secure-hash 'sha256 (current-buffer))))
(if (not (member file reparsed-files))
(bibtex-completion-update-strings-ht ht-strings
(cddr (assoc file bibtex-completion-string-cache)))
(message "Parsing bibliography file %s ..." file)
(bibtex-completion-clear-string-cache (list file))
(push (-cons* file
(bibtex-completion-parse-strings ht-strings))
(bibtex-completion-clear-cache (list file))
(push (-cons* file
(bibtex-completion-parse-bibliography ht-strings))
(setf bibtex-completion-string-hash-table ht-strings))
;; If some files were reparsed, resolve cross-references:
(when reparsed-files
(message "Resolving cross-references ...")
(bibtex-completion-resolve-crossrefs files reparsed-files))
;; Finally return the list of candidates:
(message "Done (re)loading bibliography.")
for file in files
append (cddr (assoc file bibtex-completion-cache)))))
If you then use the two helm prompts to search for e.g. "EC:Albrecht17" you get a missing year first and then you get it.
Sorry for not getting back to this earlier. Too much going on.
I've got to say that I don't remember why we reverse and then unreverse. Your PR just gets rid of this and I assume that solves your specific problem. But are we sure that it doesn't break something else that relies on the reversal?
I've been using it since opening the ticket, but I didn't systematically test it, so not sure if that's enough.
So with this PR, strings are resolved as expected but otherwise nothing changes? Sorry for asking but I don't fully understand what's going on here.
Yep, that's my impression, all working as expected and strings resolved.
Then let's do it!
Thanks for the PR, and sorry again that it took so long.
Thank you :)
After merging this PR the order of candidates is reversed. I was under the impression that the presented order shouldn't change. Am I missing something?
I prefer the reverse order for two reasons: 1. This way the latest articles (added at the bottom) appear at the top. 2. It's been this way forever, and I wouldn't want to irritate users with seemingly random changes.
Oh! Sorry, I hadn't noticed that (my bib files are massive in size and I always only search in them). At least we now know why you reversed :) Perhaps we can reverse after processing to get this result?
Yes, that's why I reversed. But the code used to reverse and then unreverse. I think your PR removed both and I thought that it should therefore have no effect on the order. But I don't seem to understand my own code years after having written it :)
I restored the original order.