Thaddäus Menzel
Thaddäus Menzel
Hi, it works very good (not so fluently but good enough), many thanks. By the way you could check the following examples (UPDATE: before this UPDATE I interpreted interactive as...
Sorry, that I'm disturbing, but from Emil's description of the corrdinates x,y,z, ... it is not really clear if these coordinates are global or local ones, Can one define only...
Attention: There is still a non-answered question here (sorry again for my disturbance): > You are awesome! > > You are developing features faster than I can implement and try...
Ok, meanwhile I see I have to build all of those external packages by myself. Any instructions here (for OSI, SUMO and googletest, only for [OSG]( there seems to be...
Hi, I will try to help here to improve the scripts, especially regarding linux with different architecture I'm quite far in this process. MSYS2 for windows would follow at later...
Hi Emil, many thanks for the answers. I think we will extend the esminiLib.cpp and some other classes (player base and scenario engine seem to be also such candidates) to...
``` Object* obj = entities_.object_[i]; LOG("MQTT update esmini vehicle from mqtt t=%d, x=%.2f (old %.2f), y=%.2f (old %.2f), h=%.2f (old %.2f), v=%.2f (old %.2f)", obj->name_, mqtt_geometry_poses_received_[found].creation_time_ms, x, obj->pos_.GetX(), y, obj->pos_.GetY(),...
Hi, it looks like, that you always are modifying directly the positions of objects during scenario engine step function and only giving the gateway the pointers to these positions, in...
Could you try in some version to set manually in your step-function code to set x,y positions and speed manually independent of the used xosc and see if it works?...
Hi, I've found the issue, in my xosc the interactive driver was used as controller and seems this controller is overwriting in each step the positions to its own old...