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Web-based Spoon (aka webSpoon)

webSpoon is a web-based graphical designer for Pentaho Data Integration with the same look & feel as Spoon. Kettle transformation/job files can be designed and executed in your favorite web browser. This is one of the community activities and not supported by Pentaho.

Use cases

  • Data security
  • Remote use
  • Ease of management
  • Cloud

Please see public talks for more details.

How to use

Please refer to the wiki and issues.

How to deploy

There are two ways: with Docker and without Docker. Docker is recommended because it is simple hence error-free. In either way, webSpoon will be deployed at http://address:8080/spoon/spoon.

With Docker (recommended)

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 hiromuhota/webspoon:latest-full

Without Docker

Please refer to the wiki for system requirements.

  1. Unzip, then copy system and plugins folders to $CATALINA_HOME.
  2. Run at $CATALINA_HOME.
  3. (Re)start the Tomcat.

The actual commands look like below:

$ export CATALINA_HOME=/home/vagrant/apache-tomcat-8.5.23
$ cd ~/
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
$ cp -r ~/data-integration/system ./
$ cp -r ~/data-integration/plugins ./
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ export version=
$ export dist=
$ ./
$ ./bin/

Please use the right version of corresponding to your version.

How to config (optional)


If $CATALINA_HOME/system/kettle/slave-server-config.xml exists, the embedded Carte servlet can be configured accordingly. See here for the config format. An example config xml looks like this:


Note that only repositories defined in $HOME/.kettle/repositories.xml can be used. Also note that it is NOT recommended to define repository element in the XML when the following user authentication is enabled. Issues such as #91 can happen.

User authentication

Edit WEB-INF/web.xml to uncomment/enable user authentication.

  <!-- Uncomment the followings to enable login page for webSpoon



Edit WEB-INF/spring/security.xml to configure authentication providers. The examle below uses two auth providers: ldap-authentication-provider and authentication-provider, where the LDAP authentication is provided by the Spring Security's embedded LDAP server with a configuration of WEB-INF/classes/example.ldif. See here for Spring Security in general and here for LDAP.

  <!--<ldap-server url="ldap://localhost:389/dc=example,dc=org"/>-->
  <ldap-server ldif="classpath:example.ldif" root="dc=example,dc=org"/>

    <ldap-authentication-provider user-dn-pattern="uid={0},ou=people"
      group-search-base="ou=groups" />
        <user name="user" password="password" authorities="ROLE_USER" />

Third-party plugins and JDBC drivers

Place third-party plugins in $CATALINA_HOME/plugins and JDBC drivers in $CATALINA_HOME/lib as below:

├── system
├── plugins
│   ├── YourPlugin
│   │   └── YourPlugin.jar
│   ├── ...
├── lib
│   ├── YourJDBC.jar
│   ├── ...
├── webapps
│   ├── spoon.war
│   ├── ...

Disable UI component

Spoon uses the XUL (XML User Interface Language) to define some parts of its user interface (see here for details). The file menu, for example, is defined in webapps/spoon/WEB-INF/classes/ui/menubar.xul as in the following snippet:

<menu id="file" label="${Spoon.Menu.File}" accesskey="alt-f">
  <menuitem id="file-open" label="${Spoon.Menu.File.Open}" />
  <menuitem id="file-save-as" label="${Spoon.Menu.File.SaveAs}" />

To restrict user's capability, one may want to disable some of UI components. To to so, add disable="true" to the component to be disabled like below.

<menu id="file" label="${Spoon.Menu.File}" accesskey="alt-f">
  <menuitem id="file-open" label="${Spoon.Menu.File.Open}" />
  <menuitem id="file-save-as" label="${Spoon.Menu.File.SaveAs}" disabled="true" />

No disabled attribute has the same effect as disabled="false".

How to develop

Spoon relies on SWT for UI widgets, which is great for being OS agnostic, but it only runs as a desktop app. RAP/RWT provides web UIs with SWT API, so replacing SWT with RAP/RWT allows Spoon to run as a web app with a little code change. Having said that, some APIs are not implemented; hence, a little more code change is required than it sounds.

Design philosophy

  1. Minimize the difference from the original Spoon.
  2. Optimize webSpoon as a web application.

Branches and Versioning

I started this project in the webspoon branch, branched off from the branch 6.1 of between and Soon I realized that I should have branched off from one of released versions. So I decided to make two branches: webspoon-6.1 and webspoon-7.0, each of which was rebased onto and, respectively.

webSpoon uses 4 digits versioning with the following rules:

  • The 1st digit is always 0 (never be released as a separate software).
  • The 2nd and 3rd digits represent the base Kettle version, e.g., 6.1, 7.0.
  • The last digit represents the patch version.

As a result, the next (pre-)release version will be, meaning it is based on the Kettle version 6.1 with the 4th patch. There could be a version of, which is based on the Kettle version 7.0 with (basically) the same patch.

Build and locally publish dependent libraries

Please build and locally-publish the following dependent libraries.

  • pentaho-xul-swt
  • org.eclipse.rap.rwt
  • org.eclipse.rap.jface
  • org.eclipse.rap.fileupload
  • org.eclipse.rap.filedialog
  • org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture
  • pentaho-vfs-browser


$ git clone -b webspoon-8.1
$ cd pentaho-commons-xul
$ mvn clean install -pl swt


$ git clone -b webspoon-3.1-maintenance
$ cd rap
$ mvn clean install -N
$ mvn clean install -pl bundles/org.eclipse.rap.rwt -am
$ mvn clean install -pl bundles/org.eclipse.rap.jface -am
$ mvn clean install -pl bundles/org.eclipse.rap.fileupload -am
$ mvn clean install -pl bundles/org.eclipse.rap.filedialog -am
$ mvn clean install -pl tests/org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture -am


$ git clone -b webspoon-8.1
$ cd apache-vfs-browser
$ mvn clean install

Remember to build pentaho-vfs-browser after rap due to its dependency on rap.

Build in the command line

Make sure patched dependent libraries have been published locally

Compile kettle-core, kettle-engine, kettle-ui-swt, and webspoon-security; and install the packages into the local repository:

$ git clone -b webspoon-8.1
$ cd pentaho-kettle
$ mvn clean install -pl core,engine,security,ui

Optionally you can specify -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip the tests

Build a war file (spoon.war):

$ mvn clean install -pl assemblies/static
$ mvn clean install -pl assemblies/lib
$ mvn clean package -pl assemblies/client

UI testing using Selenium

Currently, only Google Chrome browser has been tested for when running UI test cases. The tests run in headless mode unless a parameter -Dheadless.unittest=false is passed. To run tests in headless mode, the version of Chrome should be higher than 59.

The default url is http://localhost:8080/spoon. Pass a parameter like below if webSpoon is deployed to a different url.

The following command runs all the unit test cases including UI in non-headless mode.

$ mvn clean test -pl integration -Dtest.baseurl=http://localhost:8080/spoon/spoon -Dheadless.unittest=false


  • Pentaho is a registered trademark of Hitachi Vantara Corporation.
  • Google Chrome browser is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • Other company and product names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective owners.