Christian Meunier

Results 146 comments of Christian Meunier

For reference this book is recommending to install reason-cli: @nirvdrum could it be where you saw it ?

And yes I believe releasing `rtop` as a prebuilt global package alone would be great imho.

Hi @giddie, You should be able to do this by leveraging the `callback` [option]( of the dataloader helper.

A very quick glance at your gist shows that you are trying to connect the socket on the http endpoint `ws://localhost:4001/api/graphql` instead of using the socket endpoint `ws://localhost:4001/socket`.

Any progress on this front ? Pretty interested in this topic and curious to see where it leads eventually. @benwilson512 did you have a chance to watch @jfrolich talk ?

Hi @eprothro , this is a pretty old topic, what kind of issues are you trying to solve that the current Dataloader does not currently support ?

ya great work @redrabbit ! Projecting only selected fields is great but it also has some challenges. There are 2 use cases where we will probably need something to load...

Both above points could probably be easily solved using the new meta facility.

>For example, let's say your Ecto.Schema has a :first_name and :last_name field. It would be nice to have the possibility to define a :name field on the GraphQL object which...