TLS-Attacker copied to clipboard
Unable to modify the content of the created message stream
I am currently learning to use tls-attacker and am using the most current version. However, when I customize the protocol stream, the sent protocol stream is correct, but I can't customize the content of the message, such as unixtime, random, etc., these data will be modified to default data during execution. Below are the changes I made when building the Heartbleed payload. By capturing packets using Wireshark, I found that its data content is still the default 256 byte.
I only modified the main function in the TLS-Client
Thank you!
public static void main(String[] args) {
ClientCommandConfig config = new ClientCommandConfig(new GeneralDelegate());
JCommander commander = new JCommander(config);
try {
if (config.getGeneralDelegate().isHelp()) {
ListDelegate list = (ListDelegate) config.getDelegate(ListDelegate.class);
if (list.isSet()) {
try {
Config tlsConfig = config.createConfig();
// tlsConfig.setDefaultClientSupportedCipherSuites(CipherSuite.TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256, CipherSuite.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256);
WorkflowTrace trace = new WorkflowTrace();
ClientHelloMessage clh = new ClientHelloMessage();
clh.addExtension(new ECPointFormatExtensionMessage());
clh.addExtension(new HeartbeatExtensionMessage());
clh.addExtension(new EllipticCurvesExtensionMessage());
trace.addTlsAction(new SendAction(clh));
trace.addTlsAction(new ReceiveAction(new ServerHelloMessage(), new CertificateMessage(), new ServerHelloDoneMessage()));
// RSAClientKeyExchangeMessage rsacke = new RSAClientKeyExchangeMessage();
// trace.addTlsAction(new SendAction(rsacke, new ChangeCipherSpecMessage(), new FinishedMessage()));
// trace.addTlsAction(new ReceiveAction(new ChangeCipherSpecMessage(), new FinishedMessage()));
HeartbeatMessage heartbeat = new HeartbeatMessage();
trace.addTlsAction(new SendAction(heartbeat));
// trace.addTlsAction(new ReceiveAction(new AlertMessage()));
if (config.getWorkflowInput() != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Reading workflow trace from " + config.getWorkflowInput());
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(config.getWorkflowInput())) {
trace = WorkflowTraceSerializer.secureRead(fis);
TlsClient client = new TlsClient();
State state = client.startTlsClient(tlsConfig, trace);
if (config.getWorkflowOutput() != null) {
trace = state.getWorkflowTrace();
LOGGER.debug("Writing workflow trace to " + config.getWorkflowOutput());
WorkflowTraceSerializer.write(new File(config.getWorkflowOutput()), trace);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Encountered an uncaught Exception aborting. See debug for more info.", e);
} catch (ParameterException e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not parse provided parameters. " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
Hey, this related to this:
If you want to change message contents you need to use the ModifiableVariable Interface. I.e - setPayloadLength(Modifiable.explicit(50000));
Wow! I'm very excited to receive the response from you. With your help, I have successfully solved the problem. I have read many of your papers recently and I will continue to learn from you.As I am not much acquainted with GitHub, I overlooked the closed issues and I believe there might be others who are facing similar scenarios. Thus, I kindly propose to keep my question open as a reference, rather than closing it. If this somehow imposes any inconvenience to you, I humbly ask you to inform me and I will definitely proceed to close it. Once more, I deeply appreciate your assistance and thank you sincerely for your help.