I'll fix it in my fork at some point
it works fine for me, on windows. Also, I thought there was only a single tune that loops forever??
oh I guess there are multiple tracks, I never really noticed before. It loops forever for me, though.
I think GraionDilach is right, I hear one new track in certain Freeserf versions. But in the original game I agree there are multiple tracks that are so similar I...
this *is* building properly, Appveyor is just flakey. One of the four builds failed because it couldn't download vcpkg stuff and it doesn't retry. Added a few important bugfixes I...
Nice to see you are still working on this! I am just wrapping up my initial Freeserf (C/C++) AI code. I am now going to compare your AI to mine...
certainly! I am trying to submit my code to Freeserf C/C++ project, but if I don't hear back from them I'll fork it and continue from there. I'll keep you...
thought stream while I look over your code... - I like the LastChance idea for trying to save your castle when an enemy is near - I see you have...
- it seems your AI is only creating a single lumberjack in the early game? This is a huge bottleneck on low resource starts! I am building two initially, and...
Some AI aspects are difficult to assess because of the character personality differences. For now my AI only plays what I consider to be the optimal strategy, and once I...