wcheck-mode copied to clipboard
Any other way to show `action-parser` suggestions
Is there any other way to show proposed corrections other than option selection. Can helm
or company
be used for that?
In wcheck-mode the logic is to call action-program with action-args and the output is parsed by action-parser.
But if user wants to use other code for wcheck's marked words he is obviously free to do so. Wcheck's function "wcheck-marked-text-at" can be useful: it returns information about marked text at a buffer position.
More precisely what I am asking is is there a documentation on how to write a function so that it can be provided via standard setq wcheck-language-data
instead of, say, action-parser . wcheck-parser-ispell-suggestions
or anywhere else so that output of an action-program
with action-args
would be put in a helm
or company
autocomplete-like interface instead of mini-buffer poll. I was looking for a standard way to do so using provided interfaces.
I don't know about helm or company but custom "action" things for Wcheck must be written outside of wcheck-language-data variable. User's custom functions can use function "wcheck-marked-text-at" to get information about marked text. Information about language configuration can be queried with function "wcheck-query-language-data". With those functions user can write anything they want (and possibly connect it to other Emacs features).
Here is my Wcheck + Aspell + Ivy config, redefined wcheck--choose-action-minibuffer
to utilize Ivy, should not be too hard to do the same for helm
(defconst vs-emacs-spellchecker (executable-find "aspell")
"Spell checker program name.")
(defconst vs-aspell-dict-dir (expand-file-name "aspell" (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME"))
"Local Aspell dictionaries directory.")
(when vs-emacs-spellchecker
(use-package wcheck-mode
:hook (prog-mode text-mode)
:bind (("C-c s" . wcheck-mode)
("C-c l" . wcheck-change-language)
("C-c c" . wcheck-actions)
("C-c n" . wcheck-jump-forward)
("C-c p" . wcheck-jump-backward))
(defun vs:wcheck/args (lang &optional dict dict-dir)
"Produce Aspell arguments list for language LANG,
dictionary DICT and extra dictionaries directory DICT-DIR."
(let ((args `(,(format "--home-dir=%s" (expand-file-name "aspell" (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")))
,(format "--personal=%s.pws" lang)
,(format "--repl=%s.prepl" lang)
"-l" ,lang)))
(when dict
(setq args (append args `("-d" ,dict)))
(when dict-dir
(add-to-list 'args (format "--dict-dir=%s" dict-dir) t)))
(defun wcheck--choose-action-minibuffer (actions)
"Redefined `wcheck--choose-action-minibuffer' with `ivy-read' suport."
(let ((ivy-use-selectable-prompt nil))
(ivy-read "Choose: " actions)))
wcheck-language "English"
(connection . pty )
(program . ,vs-emacs-spellchecker )
(action-program . ,vs-emacs-spellchecker )
(action-parser . wcheck-parser-ispell-suggestions)
,(append '(args)
(vs:wcheck/args "en" "en_US")
,(append '(action-args)
(vs:wcheck/args "en" "en_US")
((emacs-lisp-mode c-mode c++-mode python-mode shell-script-mode)
read font-lock-comment-face font-lock-string-face)
skip org-block-begin-line org-block-end-line org-meta-line org-link)
(connection . pty )
(program . ,vs-emacs-spellchecker )
(action-program . ,vs-emacs-spellchecker )
(action-parser . wcheck-parser-ispell-suggestions)
,(append '(args)
(vs:wcheck/args "ru" "ru-ye" vs-aspell-dict-dir)
,(append '(action-args)
(vs:wcheck/args "ru" "ru-ye" vs-aspell-dict-dir)
((emacs-lisp-mode c-mode c++-mode python-mode shell-script-mode)
read font-lock-comment-face font-lock-string-face)
skip org-block-begin-line org-block-end-line org-meta-line org-link)
(provide 'use-wcheck)