docker copied to clipboard
duplicated pip install
Probably one pip install -r python/requirements.txt; is redundant.
line 98
RUN cd /opt/caffe && \
(pip install -r python/requirements.txt; easy_install numpy; pip install -r python/requirements.txt) && \pip
That was put in intentionally, though the need for it may have been fixed in more recent versions of caffe. It will need to be tested, but unfortunately the docker image is no longer building with more recent versions of caffe, which will need to get first.
Hi. I've played a little with your Docker file and created new version. it works fine for me with new caffe distribution. It's based on Ubuntu 14.04. Currently I've created only Docker file for cpu_based caffe. In case you may need it, here it is
P.S. I don't have access for viewing content under the link you sent.
Regards. Taras.
Thanks for contributing that! I will take a look.