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Let's document: XCode
- [ ] DeRez
- [ ] Rez
- [ ] ResMerger
- [x] SetFile → #9554
- [ ] SplitForks
- [ ] TextureAtlas
- [ ] TextureConverter
- [ ] actool
- [ ] agvtool
- [ ] altool
- [ ] amlint
- [ ] atos
- [ ] bitcode-build-tool
- [ ] cktool
- [ ] compileSceneKitShaders
- [ ] convertRichTextToAscii
- [ ] copySceneKitAssets
- [ ] copypng
- [ ] coremlc
- [ ] desdp
- [ ] embeddedBinaryValidationUtility
- [ ] extractLocStrings
- [ ] filtercalltree
- [ ] gatherheaderdoc
- [ ] genstrings
- [ ] hdxml2manxml
- [x] xml2man → #7927
- [ ] headerdoc2html
- [ ] heap
- [ ] iTMSTransporter
- [ ] ibtool
- [ ] ibtool3
- [ ] ibtoold
- [ ] ictool
- [ ] instrumentbuilder
- [ ] intentbuilderc
- [ ] ipatool
- [ ] iphoneos-optimize
- [ ] leaks
- [ ] logdump
- [ ] malloc_history
- [ ] mapc
- [ ] momc
- [ ] notarytool
- [ ] opendiff
- [ ] placeholderutil
- [ ] rctool
- [ ] resolveLinks
- [ ] safari-web-extension-converter
- [ ] sample
- [ ] scntool
- [x] sdef → #7927
- [ ] sdp
- [ ] simctl
- [ ] stapler
- [ ] stringdups
- [ ] swinfo
- [ ] symbols
- [ ] vmmap
- [ ] xarsigner
- [ ] xccov
- [ ] xcdevice
- [ ] xcdiagnose
- [ ] xcindex-test
- [ ] xcresulttool
- [ ] xcsbridge
- [ ] xcscontrol
- [ ] xcsdiagnose
- [ ] xcsgenerator
- [ ] xcsigningtool
- [ ] xcsreciperunner
- [ ] xcssecurity
- [ ] xcsvalidator
- [ ] xctest
- [ ] xctrace
All of these can be found in your Developer Path, usually under /Applications/
, manpages are available for most.